Monday, December 6, 2010


I am so sorry that I haven't been updating again. I got people all excited by updating a lot, and now I have let you down. I am also sorry to say that I won't be posting again for a while. I just don't have the time right now. I am currently 1 week away from finals at school, I am trying to work lots more on one of my books at the moment, and I have other school stuff as well. Plus I may be away from internet access soon. Add all these things together and I have no time to post on my blog.

I promise that when I come back I will finish the story of Mint, go back to my normal posts, and try to update on a more regular bases. But for now, I have to peace out.

Thank you for your support! Please share this blog wherever and whenever you can and comment.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Why do I write?

I write because of the way it makes me feel. I write for the love of creating new sentences, phrases, paragraphs, that have never been written before. Because it allows me to make the fantasy place in my head into something real. Because it keeps me sane. Because I might explode if I don't. Because of my love of the complex beauty of the english language. For my love of watching a blank sheet of paper turn into something meaningful. Because I can create a world where anything is possible. Because of an undying desire within me to do it. Because of "if there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." (Toni Morrison)

To put this all together, I write because I love writing.

"The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say." ~Anaïs Nin

"A word is not the same with one writer as with another. One tears it from his guts. The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket." ~Charles Peguy

"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." ~Sylvia Plath

"The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium." ~Norbet Platt

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." ~William Wordsworth

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Things to do

Just so you know, this is not a bucket list. Just a few things I want to do in the near future for fun.

Things to do:
1. Build a pillow/blanket fort in the living room again with someone I love.
2. Slow dance, regardless of my lack of dancing ability and awkward glances. (Who cares anyway?)
3. Get *someone* to read the epilogue of Deathly Hallows. (You know who you are.)
4. Harry Potter non-stop movie marathon. Lots of sugar required.
5. Try and figure out the exact time of death of Harry Potter characters. (Maybe not. This sounds sad.)
6. Disney song singing contest.
7. Sing "This Isn't Hogwarts" by Hank Green in front of a substantial number of people.
8. Learn to speak Klingon.
9. Own way to many books for my shelves to currently hold.
10. Get caught under the mistletoe with the right person. (haha, yeah right.)
11. Finish watching all the Star Wars movies. (I am a failure as a nerd.)
12. Finish any of the books I have started writing. (haha, more wishful thinking.)
13. Finish my story about Mint. (Next post, I promise.)
14. Restore peace to the galaxy.
15. Have a wizards duel (Which leads to 16. Get a wand.)

And, for right now, that is all I can think of. There are MANY more things I want to do, but these are just a few I was thinking about right now.

Please comment if you want to do any of these with me! Actually, comment no matter what. Seriously. PLEASE!

"In the sky, you and I, are floating in space. I the moon, you the sun, locked in beautiful embrace. Everybody's come together, so blindingly bright, they chase away the night." - Guilty Beauty Love by Vic Mignogna.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mint (aka Vladmir)

The Story of Mint (Part One)

Just a little background: Mint (aka Vladmir) is a koala. He was given to me today by Emi-chan and he is adorable. I would show you his little, adorable self except for the fact that my camera is mysteriously missing one of its two batteries. He is gray, fuzzy, and is holding some little green leaf. This is his story.

The world could be a cruel, cruel place. Sometimes the only company you have is a small green leaf that flew out of the sky and landed in your paw. And when you are lost and alone in a big scary world, you cling to that leaf like a lifeline and keep trudging forward. So what if your top-heavy? So what if you have tiny legs? None of that matters. You keep going and never turn back.

The little koala bear crashed head first into a puddle, getting soaked once again. "Oh, why does this keep happening to me?" he thought with a sigh, dragging himself back up and cursing his large head and puny legs. This was the 10th time today he had ended up in a puddle. At this rate, he thought he might drown before he could ever reach his destination.

Which was what again?... Oh, right. He didn't know what his destination was.

The koala clutched his little leaf in between his paws and looked up at the sky. "At least it stopped raining," he thought, and trudged on, an unknown destination ahead. Only him and his leaf, moving forward, hoping for a brighter and warmer future. "One little step at a time."

When you are a small koala bear with very small legs, you don't get anywhere fast. The koala stopped on a curb on the edge of a street, taking in his surroundings. He seemed to have wandered his way into a small town, people rushing back and forth all around him, all to distracted by their own pursuits to notice or care about a sad, cold koala. No one. No one, that is, until a small girl with brown piggy tales picked him up.

"Look, mommie!" she exclaimed, bouncing with joy. "I found a little bear!"

"Uck! It looks like that thing has been through hell!" the girls mother commented, looking down at the koala with disgust. "Put that in the trash, honey. Someone must have just thrown him here out a car window."

The little girl with the brown piggy tales looked sadly into the little koala's eyes, but followed her mother's wishes and dropped him into a near by trash bin and walked on, chatting excitedly once again about her upcoming birthday party, never again to think about the sad little koala now trapped in a can full of the other things nobody wanted.

And so, the koala bear had been shunned.

The little koala worked hard all night, building up sturdy things he found in the trash can to make a pile to climb up to the top with. His small green leaf was places carefully on a soda can, waiting patiently for the little koala bear. At dawn, escape finally in sight, he picked up his leaf and climbed carefully up bottles, cans, and foam containers until he could see the sky once again.

And fell to the ground with a thump. Where he was then kicked into the gutter and fell down the storm drain.

And that is the end of part one! I hope you all liked it, and part 2 shall be coming soon. You'll find out where Mint came from and why he is traveling in the next part, so stay tuned! Please comment on this post and vote on the poll at the bottom of the page. Feed the fish if you wish.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Look at that picture of Los. Now back to here. Back at that awesome picture of him, now back to this. Sadly you are not that guy you were just looking at, but you can hear his music. Look, now your on YouTube and MySpace, his voice filling your ears. He is the guy your ears could be hearing.

Sometimes the best musicians are the ones who are yet to be discovered on a wide scale. YoungLos is one of those musicians. I found his music because he was promoting his YouTube links on Facebook. I've known him for years, so of course I was interested. I clicked the link, and was suddenly hooked. I couldn't believe that super tall kid I once new was able to make music this good, that anyone can connect to, and sounds better than 90% of the new music that comes out now. You MUST check this guy out. He is going to be the next big star, I can tell.

Keep it up, Los. You know your awesome. -his YouTube channel. I suggest starting with Greatness. - his MySpace page.

So show Los a little love. You know you want too. This is the music you are looking for.

A Bad Day

The past two days... well, to put it simply, they sucked. I was totally tired on Friday because I was running on one hour of sleep and the pure energy given off from Neville Longbottom. I think this, and me failing a test and getting in trouble, led to me having a totally break down at lunch. But whenever something like that happens, it reminds me of who is really important to me. That is why todays post is dedicated to the 3 musketeers, Nekozawa, and Harry Potter.

Today sucked for many reasons. Those many reasons I don't really want to get into. I'm actually just typing this post in the hope that it will help my fingers warm up. It is finally that time of year where I am freaking freezing. Meh.

I think we need a random Urban Dictionary word of the day. Woah, this was on the front page! I love it!

1. Coming out of the cupboard
"coming out of the cupboard" is a figure of speech for popular or non popular people's disclosure of their secret obsession for Harry Potter.
The term comes from the well know phrase "coming out of the closet" which refers to a person revealing that they are gay/lesbian.
The "closet" part is replaced by "cupboard" because, as we know, Harry Potter lived in the "cupboard under the stairs" in the beginning of the book series.
I guess I'm finally coming out of the cupboard. I didn't really want people to know I was secretly obsessed with Harry Potter.
Now, I shall depart to go try and warm up, possibly fall asleep, and do pointless things on the internet when I should be studying for a history test. Love to all!

"I'll give half of my life, so you give me half of yours!" "Are you stupid! You can have the whole thing! ...well, maybe not all of it..." -Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell (Chapter 108 of Fullmetal Alchemist)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Darren Criss

Yep. Darren Criss. Did I ever mention that I LOVE HIM?! Oh my god... Maybe I just have a thing for any guy who plays Harry Potter in any form. Darren played Harry Potter in A Very Potter Musical and Sequel and recently landed a role as Blaine on Glee. He is now the only reason I started Glee. HE IS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!! I love how soon the whole world may have a crush on him soon. I love Darren Criss so much that I had to make a blog post just about him.

Check this video out and then you may understand my love of him:

Ok, this sounds weird. There is something that I need to explain about this. I say that I love a lot of people, Darren Criss included. And maybe it is true. But I need you to understand that no matter how much I say I love these guys I have never actually met (and some fictional guys), I still love one guy more than any of them. And by "more" I mean 10000000000000000000000000 times more. That guy is my boyfriend, Neko. But you probably already guessed that. I just thought it was necessary to explain that I don't love any of these other guys so much that I would die for them and leave my boyfriend for them if they show up on my doorstep.

In retrospect, I don't even know why I made this post. It really had no point.

"Bad spellers UNTIE!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Something About Llamas

Llama llama llama! I needed something to talk about today and my wonderful boyfriend has suggested llamas. They apparently can spit at 100 miles per hour.

One time I was talking to my parents and my mom misheard something I said as "llamas in police uniforms." This lead to me running to the computer to do a Google image search for "llamas in police uniforms." I DO NOT suggest doing this, because almost all of the images ARE SOOOOOO NOT LLAMAS (unless llama is code word for something i don't know)! Very... disturbing. But I found an article! It was about llamas being used in this one country as "police" for sheep! I think.... Anyway, it was hilarious to all of us. I never did find a picture of a llama in uniform, but at least this gave me a short story to tell in this post.

My only other experience with llamas comes from watching Jimmy Neutron.

"It's what you do in spandex that makes you a hero."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Next Week

(I'm having MAJOR formatting issues with this post. Blogger is fighting me. Sorry if anything looks weird!)

I am thinking that next week will be on of the best of my life. Next week on Wednesday, Krispy Kreme is reopening. This is amazing thing number one. Oh the delicious doughnuts, hot a fresh from the line, floating in my memory, soon to be real once again. It shall be excellent to see that "Hot Fresh Doughnuts" now sign lit up in their window once again. Sweet deliciousness ready to melt onto tongues of people across our city once again. Yes, I know this makes me sound fat. I don't care.

Next week on Thursday night (technically Friday since this is occurring at midnight) is the opening of
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-- a title I have been forbidden to speak again in my house. My mom got sick of me begging to go to the midnight premiere, and made a deal with me that I could go as long as I did not mention the title again. That's how sick she was of hearing about it. BUT I GET TO GO!!!!!!!! Amazingly excited. I practically start happy dancing every time I think about this movie.

A while ago I thought of writing a book retelling the story of my school, slightly fictionalized, as it is from my point-of-view. Well, my friend Emily has been keeping a book of "fails" that have occurred around her since the beginning of the year, and I think it is going to be much funnier to retell the story of our fails. So now this is going to be a team effort! Today I have been feeling like writing a lot (hence this being my second post in one day) so I started retelling one fail. I then remember that the day and class that fail occurred on, about 4 more fails also happened. A rough draft of their stories have now been written. After which I read some Deathly Hallows, then some To Kill a Mockingbird, and then wrote a little thing on dreams and the only thing I remember from my dream last night. I am tempted to tell you the thing I remembered from my dream, but that is not a good idea at all. It would just be awkward and I would later regret posting it. So I'm not going too. Haha.

I think we need a random Urban Dictionary word of the day. Going to the site and hitting the random button until I get a word that has a definition that is not mentally disturbing.

1. Mer
An expression of nonchalance and impassiveness, commonly used in situations that require less-than-sufficient answers. May be used to express a variety of emotional states, the essences of which are indicated by the tone of the speaker. Origin: San Diego, CA, circa 2003.
After thinking of all the day's events and realizing that it's an immense task in itself to summarize everything: one simply sighs to his or her companions, "mer..."
So.... Mer.

"Take a chance, take your shoes off, dance in the rain. We were splashing around and the news spread all over town. I'm not complaining that it's raining, I'm just saying that I like it a lot." -Panic at the Disco (I Have Friends in Holy Spaces)

A Post to the Amazing Becca

...aka the only person who ever comments on my blog. I really appreciate it Becca! You are an awesome person (and I'm not just saying that because you comment.) Thanks for all the good times, and the good times still to come.

You were the "brother" I always wanted. You kept me updated on gossip when I wanted it the most. You gave me hope, make me laugh, and made me forget the times when you used to hate me (lol).

If you have no idea who I am talking about then you are obviously not looking at the comment section. You should be. And you should be adding your own comment.

Friday, November 12, 2010

*Happy Sigh*

I've been re-watching The Little Mermaid today for the first time in a LONG time. It has made me realize two things...

1) The Little Mermaid is still my favorite movie. Ever.

2) I completely understand the appeal of a willow tree on a river. *insert heart sigh here which blogger is telling me is broken*

Yeah, I know that second reason is going to make any sense to many people who will read this. But it makes sense to me, and it will make sense to a few others. Please forgive my many private jokes that may appear in this blog. My life is one of those "you had to be there" things.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hakuna Matata

Time to breath a small sigh of relief and realize that I can actually relax a little bit for once. Next week we get a four day weekend, meaning 2 less days of school than usual. Let the partying begin! Going to my school can be really stressful sometimes, but I could never leave. I feel like that is where I belong now, and I KNOW that I need the people in it. Actually... I take that back. If I get a letter from Hogwarts, I am totally leaving.

I think I need a random word of the day. I'm going to go on Urban Dictionary, hit the random button, and put the first thing to come up here.

...Nevermind. That was a little too weird. I'll put the second one.... or the third....maybe the fourth? ....I don't even understand that one.... no.... everyone knows that one.... no... no.... NO.... boring... here we go!

1. Mewl
The noise made by a cat in distress or when begging.
Owner: "Do you want some fish?"
Cat with big wide mournful eyes. "Mewl!"
Well, that took a while, but I found something interest that wasn't dirty or promoting drug use. Be careful when using that site, kiddies.

Well, I am going to return peacefully now to the fanfiction I was reading before being distracted by my blog. I actually have comments for once! Shout out to Beeka-chu, my current only commenter. The picture below is for you, my friend.

Please help support the HP Alliance in their fight against 7 real world horcruxes. Go to and sign the petition for the Starvation Wages Horcrux.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

To finding out I am not alone and Bejeweled

(FYI, this was written at almost 11 at night while semi distracted. And then I didn't edit. There may be a lot of mistakes, so I thought I should warn you.)

Turns out, people actually do read my blog! Not that I would know it seeing as none of them ever comment. But this means that I am not (entirely) talking to myself when I post on here. Although I did realize recently that Twitter is basically a way to talk to yourself without being thought of as insane. Well, I'm still going to be thought of as insane no matter what, but I don't mind. Awesome is what I am made of, and I think insanity just comes with the awesome title.

So, chances are you have a Facebook. If you don't, good for you. I really don't like the site to tell the truth, yet I have an account anyway. Most of my time on Facebook is spent looking at all these fake buttons called "Flair," but sometimes I get a little addicted to "Bejeweled Blitz." A game that I... totally suck at basically. I have been told that I don't see the 4 and 5 matches very much and have trouble noticing the bonuses. I'm not even sure why I still play it to be honest. I think it is just a way to kill time and avoid things that I should be doing. Like homework, dishes, or working on my books. Seriously, if I don't get writing soon my friend Angee is going to start torturing new chapters out of me.

I know this is random, but stick with me. Random is in the name of this blog.

I want to state here and now that I have the most awesome boyfriend ever. No joke. And I know a hundred million people could disagree with me right now about this, but it's true to me so that is all that matters.

I have been thinking about Krispy Kreme doughnuts today for no reason. Excited for them coming back soon, and planning on eating my weight in cinnamon apple jelly filled when they open again. But right by that doughnut heaven, is In-N-Out burger; another place I have been dreaming about for a while now (not literally). I haven't been there in SO LONG and I really want to try the secret menu. Totally could go for a #2, extra toast, animal style fries, and a Neapolitan shake right now.

This blog is suddenly making me sound very fat. Well I don't care! This girl likes FOOD.

YES! I have accomplished a semi-long blog that may make up for my long absence. I am sorry I have been gone so long, dear readers, but school is a pain in the arse. You have no idea.

Dedicating this post to all the people I love. You know who you are. *wink*

"Because Baby your not alone, 'cause your here with me. And nothings ever gonna keep me from loving you, and you know it's true. It don't matter what will come to be, our love is all we need to make it through." - Not Alone from A Very Potter Musical

Friday, November 5, 2010

One Moment

Someday I want to lay in the grass with you, staring up at the stars until the rest of the world melts away. I want your hand resting in mine until it gets too cold and we snuggle together so this night won't have to end. Waiting for a shooting star that may never come, but it doesn't have too. Being here like this is all I could ever wish for right now. I wish to live forever more in this moment. But, all things must end. But this time I don't mind that this will end because I know that tomorrow I am going to wake up in your arms.

Let's hope we don't have morning breath.

"To being an US for once, instead of a THEM."

Monday, September 27, 2010

Muahaha. Muahahahaha.

I come, I write, I leave.

Comment: should I participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month aka November)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Yeah, spoilers. But if you haven't read Deathly Hallows by now I have problems with you right now.

November 19.... November 19... it sounds so soon, but at the same time, so far away. This movies is going to be the beginning of the end, and it's kind of blowing my mind. I am SO EXCITED for this movie but I also don't want to see the end of the waiting for new Harry Potter movies. I'll miss the happy-dancing every time a new trailer comes out.

I am going to cry so much during both parts of the last Harry Potter movie. Knowing I am going to cry during these movies makes me happy I am bringing all my friends with me to the movie (serious. I could show up with 4-15 people). I want to experience this with people I love who know I will cry and won't laugh at me (well, maybe they will but I'd be laughing at me too).

And if all goes according to plan, I'll be seeing part 2 from LeakyCon2011.

This blog seems very... calm. I am not calm thinking about this movie. I am all caps, jumping around the room, repeated yelling "oh my god." I'd be doing that right now if my voice didn't sound all weird right now. BUT I CAN DO IT ON HERE!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!1!!!ONE!!!

"What in the name of Merlin's most baggy y-fronts was that about?"

Saturday, September 11, 2010


First off I would like to say I am sorry for not posting for a while. I really wish I could get on here and write more but I just don't have the time. It's all school work right now and when I have a moments rest from that I am trying to tweet and catch up on some anime and manga.

We are so busy right now! An abundance of history notes twice a week, tests and notes for every class, newspaper website and twitter updates, math homework, extra classes, AAAAAAH *explodes*. A lot of people at my school aren't even sleeping anymore and many of us are attempting to replace our blood with Dr. Pepper. Hence, I have no time to blog anymore... or write anything else not school related for that matter. Same with reading.

On top off all this, I feel like crap today. Crappy enough to complain about it in a blog post but not so crappy that I can't concentrate on the hell-homework. Sore throat is making my voice go all weird sounding at a very inopportune time- I'm recording a podcast tomorrow. If you know any quick remedies, please leave them is a comment below (and before you ask, no I do not have any honey).

I want to try and come on here and at least write a sentence or two everyone once in a while, but don't expect any kind of regular schedule anymore. I just do not have the time.

For Christmas this year I really want to write short stories for all my friends. Friends, if you are reading this, please comment on this post with what you want your short story to be about (I want to start as soon as possible). Be as detailed or vague as you want but at least give me some sort of genre to work with.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own." -Adam Savage (Mythbusters)

Friday, September 10, 2010


The only better feeling than telling someone you love them is hearing them say it back.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thank Merlin it's Friday

Ahh, the end of the week. Feels good doesn't it? And this has been a fine day to end the week as well. Any day that includes delicious coffee, the creation of new Twinkie addicts, and love is a good day in my opinion. Which brings forth the question of why was your day awesome?

Leave me a comment telling me why your day was awesome (there always has to be something).

And now, since I currently have a lack of things I would like to talk to you about, we shall hit the random button on and find out what is random right now.

"1. trevoric
A state of perfection beyond perfection
That journal I wrote while in London was trevoric."

As of today it is only 4 days until the release of Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.

"Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pizza Bell and Taco Hut

"I'm at the Pizza Hut. No, no, I'm at the Taco Bell. I'm at that combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell!"

Ah, the days of multiple fast food places at once. Pizza Hut/Taco Bell where you can get a taco wrapped in a pizza. KFC/A&W where you can put a biscuit in some root beer. Hot Dog on a Stick? All good.

Part of me REALLY wants to try a pizza wrapped in a taco followed by a toasted marshmallow milkshake. Yes, that makes me sound really fat. It's not like I'd actually do it. It just sounds like the taste orgasm of the century.

As you can probably tell, I am a nerdfighter. So I watch a lot of vlogbrothers videos and tend to quote/reference John Green. Get used to it, because I don't plan on stopping.

If you have no idea what I am talking about in this video, try watching this:
Image from the eff yeah nerdfighters tumblr:

"We need to take a cue from the 4 year olds of the world. Putting stuff on your head is fun!"

Comments, Randomness, and Questions

Yeah, comments. Those things I never get. Ever notice that little comment space at the bottom? I would really appreciate it if you went down there and left me a comment. It lets me know that you have been here so I know that people are reading. Also click around while you are here. Read part entries, feed the fish, click some ads.

I have found myself once again procrastinating. I have spent most of today watching Ninja Warrior instead of working on history homework. I am trying to write a book (a few in fact) and haven't written anything for weeks (although when I do I usually have a whole chapter in an hour or 2).

I'm sorry. Please if I have done anything to annoy you, hurt you, or anything else, know that I am sorry. I have realized lately there are a couple of things I need to work on. For example, I am way to violent sometimes. And I get in peoples faces to much.

Facebook... yeah. Remember when that used to be lame? What ever happened to that?

Why do I keep ranting about nothing in this post? Who am I asking? Why am I asking so many questions anyway? PLEASE IGNORE ALL QUESTIONS BEFORE THIS POINT.

BEAR IN A JAR! I got a little green bear in a clear jar today. Where do you think I should put him? Also, please comment telling me what you think I should name him!

Thank you people of Earth and Mars.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Klimpaloon, the magical old-timy bathing suit that lives in the Himilayas! My new favorite mythical-but-is-actually-real creature! He is so adorable. If you have no idea what I am talking about then you need to watch Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You! Fall into love with the wonder that is Klimpaloon. He is so awesome!!!

So yeah, this is a blog of me freaking out about my love of Klimpaloon. Don't take this has shameless advertising for Phineas and Ferb though. I just happen to really love that show.

If you want more info on Klimpaloon:
The Ballad of Klimpaloon on youtube:
and his twitter (thanks to me):


Monday, August 9, 2010


I have been waiting all day... and I am still waiting. No idea when I am going to stop waiting. This is horrible. And I thought waiting wasn't that bad before. Poor, naive me.

I've been waiting all day for the Countdown to Mockingjay contest to show up for today. I am determined to win before it is over! Yesterday I actually had the first comment... but I panicked at the last second and put the wrong answer. So now I REALLY want to win today. Hence, I have been waiting all day since I woke up.

This sucks. I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

"May the odds be ever in your favor."- The Hunger Games

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time Travel and Zombies (and a little Schrodinger's cat)

While making a Google calendar the other day something rather interesting happened. I was trying to change an event to go from some time in December to about the middle of January. Well I apparently forgot to change the year of the end date to 2011 and was told "Sorry. You cannot make event end before it begins." At first I was confused, because I didn't realize that was what I was trying to do. When I realized I immediately wanted to respond "why can't I make an event end before it begins! Maybe I was time traveling!" I changed the year anyway and it when through fine but I feel really limited now that I know I can't set an event to end before it begins. Does Google Calendar never want time travel to be possible?

You know the term "the living dead"? Usually referring to zombies/inferi/etc? I got to thinking about this term and quickly realized it to be very incorrect. The term "the living dead" contradicts itself. If you are dead you can't also be living at the same time (unless you get into the whole Schrodinger's Cat theory, which I don't feel like getting into*). Zombies aren't even really alive anyway! They get up and move and stuff but they don't have a heart beat, they aren't warm, and they are still rotting like dead bodies do. Or at least that was my understanding of zombies. So why do we call them the living dead? The world may never know.

Maybe a better term would be "the animate dead" or "the dead who act living but eat brains."

I pray that you all survive a possible zombie apocalypse. Just don't get killed by a unicorn (WAY more dangerous).

*If you want to know more about Schrodinger's cat, read Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. They explain it very well in there (even I could understand it easily.) You could google it and find a wiki or something but those are almost impossible to understand the theory through.
All I will tell you if that the cat might be living, might be dead, or maybe both at the same time. I wonder how the heck we are suppose to know there is a cat in there at all! You can't see it!

You'll understand that after you understand the theory.

"I think it goes you're living, you're dead, then you're undead."

(By the way, this was the awesome idea I had for a blog post that I said I had forgotten in my last post. I did forget it, then I suddenly remembered. Yay!)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Have you ever stopped to think about how different conversations can end compared to how they started. Today I was talking about gay rights with my dad and somehow we ended up talking about book banning by the end. Somehow later we got on to Battlestar Galactica (please pardon me if that is spelled wrong. I'm a horrible speller and am not very familiar with the show).
So next time you start a long conversation, take a minute to stop and figure out how you got to the topic you are on by the end.

I had an EXCELLENT idea for a blog yesterday when I was laying on the couch half asleep. Of course I have now completely forgotten what the topic was, what I thought about it, or anything else for that matter. This happens to me a lot. If you know how to make it stop, please tell me.

Feel free to comment on this or any of my other posts. No one ever comments but it would make me smile if you did.

Also, feel free to feed the fish.

"My best friend is a person who will buy me a book I have not read."


So far I have not forgotten to write a blog entry any day since I started this blog back up... however, I am to tired to think of a topic for todays blog. There are some things I could talk about but my brain is not functioning enough at the moment to come up with anything really thoughtful or interesting.

So this is a blog post about nothing. I thank you greatly for taking the time to read it even though it is about nothing (as the title should have warned you.)

If you have the time to read a blog about nothing, entertain yourself with some good videos as well. Suggestions:

Yes. Lots of youtubers. I spend way to much time on the internet, okay!

"Chain saws are more fun."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Avada Kedavra!

This morning I logged into Twitter to get very excited seeing that "AVADA KEDAVRA" was trending. As a Harry Potter fan, this kind of thing makes me very happy. So I started thinking after seeing this that the killing curse is kind of like the equivalent of a gun in the muggle world. So that made me think do guns kill people, or do people kill people? I think unless your gun has been enchanted by some idiotic wizard then the gun can't kill people by itself. Someone has to fire it, hence meaning that people kill people. But could that person who fired the gun have killed the person they shot at without the gun? Maybe, if they were really determined. So I believe it is the gun AND the person.

Please note that when I titled this "Avada Kedavra" I was not killing/trying to kill you. I only thought it and I was not holding a wand. Trust me, I have no want to kill any of you.

Leave a comment on this blog post with your opinion: do guns kill people or do people kill people?

"Dream as though you'll live forever, live as though you'll die today." -James Dean

Monday, August 2, 2010


I would write more today but I have been typing all day. Stupid homework.

But I promised myself I would try to blog every day for as long as possible. So here I am, this is a blog post. It may be short, but at least I made one.

"Don't forget to be awesome."

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Through out our lives we learn various lessons. Starting with the simple (e.x. the golden rule) and getting more and more complex as we get older. Today I learned that you will get tired very quickly if you try dancing while walking the dog. This should have been obvious, but I learned something just the same. Just as we should try to learn something everyday, I think we should find a reason why everyday is awesome (got the idea from

Today is awesome because... I remembered to make a blog post.

Another important lesson that I still need to learn is that procrastination is NOT GOOD! I've had trouble with this my whole life (a long with "do not talk in class"). I consider myself to be a master procrastinator. If procrastination was a sporting advent, I would get the gold medal. Unlike spelling, in which I wouldn't even place.

When I started this summer I decided I wanted to finish all the homework I had within 2 weeks. Now here I am, summer almost over, and I still haven't finished. Procrastination FTW. (By the way, this whole time I have been using spell check to fix my mistakes every time I wrote "procrastination." This was only the second time I got it right by myself. So today is awesome because I can spell "procrastination" without spell check.)

"Ever notice that 'studying' is 'student' and 'dying' put together?"

Friday, July 30, 2010

"Necessity is the mother of invention"?

Is necessity really the mother of invention? Maybe not according to a book I am currently reading, "Guns, Germs, and Steel." It shows that most inventions are created and then a need is found for them. So before there may have been no need for a new invention but because it was made it created a necessity. So now I am thinking of using the term "invention is the mother of necessity" more often. It just seems to work.

You may have noticed that I have a thing for quotes. Well, I do. I love quotes that are nice, funny, or insightful. Some times on Twitter I end up tweeting nothing but long strings of quotations from various places, although I must admit I do not often know who they are quoting. I hope to be quote worthy some day, but I have a feeling the source of my quotes may fall into the same obscurity. Right now I would love for people to remember and spread this quote from me: "Life: often contains random moments of brilliance" which I have been using ever since it popped into my head while talking to my boyfriend once. Now it was the inspiration for the name of this blog.

On the topic of quotes, one of my favorites is actually oddly ironic. One of my favorite authors, John Green, said in one of this vlogs ( that "text means nothing without it's context" when talking about a quote from one of his books that went viral, but out of context. I find this to hold true, but I still have a strange love of quotes. It makes me wonder how many of these sweet, romantic quotes I run across are actually completely out of context. Maybe a quote I thought was about love came from a book about how love is horrible and you'll only get misfortune from falling in love.

One of my favorite quotes (that appeared in a earlier blog post) I do happen to know the source and context of. In fact, it came from the only poem I have ever memorized completely, other than Jellyfish Stew by Jack Prelutsky. That poem is "since feeling is first" by e.e. cummings. I love the poem and my favorite quote from that poem (which just happened to be introduced to me through another of John Green's videos) is "the best gesture of my brain is less than your eye lids flutter, which says we are for each other." When falling love, quotes like this really stuck with me.

And to end this quote edition of this blog, here's a quote!

"Of course it has been happening inside your mind, Harry, but why on Earth should that mean it isn't real?" -Albus Dumbledore "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

The Start of a New Blog!

This blog is now going to completely changed and be used (finally)! I made this blog a long time ago and used it for almost nothing. Now I plan on changing that.

Today I am announcing that this blog is being totally revamped! I'll be redesigning it, editing stuff, and actually posting. HOORAY!

I will be posting every day (or at least a few times a week) with postings about the random moments of brilliance contained in this thing we call "life." A lot of things will be short stories I am working on as well. I hope you will enjoy my new postings and comments to give me your opinion on my writing. As an aspiring writer, I enjoy constructive criticism.

Thank you to everyone who reading this! I love you guys.

"Life is not like a box of chocolates, it's like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today might burn your @$$ tomorrow."