Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Bad Day

The past two days... well, to put it simply, they sucked. I was totally tired on Friday because I was running on one hour of sleep and the pure energy given off from Neville Longbottom. I think this, and me failing a test and getting in trouble, led to me having a totally break down at lunch. But whenever something like that happens, it reminds me of who is really important to me. That is why todays post is dedicated to the 3 musketeers, Nekozawa, and Harry Potter.

Today sucked for many reasons. Those many reasons I don't really want to get into. I'm actually just typing this post in the hope that it will help my fingers warm up. It is finally that time of year where I am freaking freezing. Meh.

I think we need a random Urban Dictionary word of the day. Woah, this was on the front page! I love it!

1. Coming out of the cupboard
"coming out of the cupboard" is a figure of speech for popular or non popular people's disclosure of their secret obsession for Harry Potter.
The term comes from the well know phrase "coming out of the closet" which refers to a person revealing that they are gay/lesbian.
The "closet" part is replaced by "cupboard" because, as we know, Harry Potter lived in the "cupboard under the stairs" in the beginning of the book series.
I guess I'm finally coming out of the cupboard. I didn't really want people to know I was secretly obsessed with Harry Potter.
Now, I shall depart to go try and warm up, possibly fall asleep, and do pointless things on the internet when I should be studying for a history test. Love to all!

"I'll give half of my life, so you give me half of yours!" "Are you stupid! You can have the whole thing! ...well, maybe not all of it..." -Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell (Chapter 108 of Fullmetal Alchemist)


  1. The English test will be patched up! Don't kill yourself over it! And parents are always mad about something!

    However, next time you watch a movie premier on a school night: take a nap first.

  2. Cheesy (gomen!), but I find that it's really helps. :)
