Saturday, September 11, 2010


First off I would like to say I am sorry for not posting for a while. I really wish I could get on here and write more but I just don't have the time. It's all school work right now and when I have a moments rest from that I am trying to tweet and catch up on some anime and manga.

We are so busy right now! An abundance of history notes twice a week, tests and notes for every class, newspaper website and twitter updates, math homework, extra classes, AAAAAAH *explodes*. A lot of people at my school aren't even sleeping anymore and many of us are attempting to replace our blood with Dr. Pepper. Hence, I have no time to blog anymore... or write anything else not school related for that matter. Same with reading.

On top off all this, I feel like crap today. Crappy enough to complain about it in a blog post but not so crappy that I can't concentrate on the hell-homework. Sore throat is making my voice go all weird sounding at a very inopportune time- I'm recording a podcast tomorrow. If you know any quick remedies, please leave them is a comment below (and before you ask, no I do not have any honey).

I want to try and come on here and at least write a sentence or two everyone once in a while, but don't expect any kind of regular schedule anymore. I just do not have the time.

For Christmas this year I really want to write short stories for all my friends. Friends, if you are reading this, please comment on this post with what you want your short story to be about (I want to start as soon as possible). Be as detailed or vague as you want but at least give me some sort of genre to work with.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own." -Adam Savage (Mythbusters)

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