Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time Travel and Zombies (and a little Schrodinger's cat)

While making a Google calendar the other day something rather interesting happened. I was trying to change an event to go from some time in December to about the middle of January. Well I apparently forgot to change the year of the end date to 2011 and was told "Sorry. You cannot make event end before it begins." At first I was confused, because I didn't realize that was what I was trying to do. When I realized I immediately wanted to respond "why can't I make an event end before it begins! Maybe I was time traveling!" I changed the year anyway and it when through fine but I feel really limited now that I know I can't set an event to end before it begins. Does Google Calendar never want time travel to be possible?

You know the term "the living dead"? Usually referring to zombies/inferi/etc? I got to thinking about this term and quickly realized it to be very incorrect. The term "the living dead" contradicts itself. If you are dead you can't also be living at the same time (unless you get into the whole Schrodinger's Cat theory, which I don't feel like getting into*). Zombies aren't even really alive anyway! They get up and move and stuff but they don't have a heart beat, they aren't warm, and they are still rotting like dead bodies do. Or at least that was my understanding of zombies. So why do we call them the living dead? The world may never know.

Maybe a better term would be "the animate dead" or "the dead who act living but eat brains."

I pray that you all survive a possible zombie apocalypse. Just don't get killed by a unicorn (WAY more dangerous).

*If you want to know more about Schrodinger's cat, read Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. They explain it very well in there (even I could understand it easily.) You could google it and find a wiki or something but those are almost impossible to understand the theory through.
All I will tell you if that the cat might be living, might be dead, or maybe both at the same time. I wonder how the heck we are suppose to know there is a cat in there at all! You can't see it!

You'll understand that after you understand the theory.

"I think it goes you're living, you're dead, then you're undead."

(By the way, this was the awesome idea I had for a blog post that I said I had forgotten in my last post. I did forget it, then I suddenly remembered. Yay!)

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