Saturday, August 14, 2010

Comments, Randomness, and Questions

Yeah, comments. Those things I never get. Ever notice that little comment space at the bottom? I would really appreciate it if you went down there and left me a comment. It lets me know that you have been here so I know that people are reading. Also click around while you are here. Read part entries, feed the fish, click some ads.

I have found myself once again procrastinating. I have spent most of today watching Ninja Warrior instead of working on history homework. I am trying to write a book (a few in fact) and haven't written anything for weeks (although when I do I usually have a whole chapter in an hour or 2).

I'm sorry. Please if I have done anything to annoy you, hurt you, or anything else, know that I am sorry. I have realized lately there are a couple of things I need to work on. For example, I am way to violent sometimes. And I get in peoples faces to much.

Facebook... yeah. Remember when that used to be lame? What ever happened to that?

Why do I keep ranting about nothing in this post? Who am I asking? Why am I asking so many questions anyway? PLEASE IGNORE ALL QUESTIONS BEFORE THIS POINT.

BEAR IN A JAR! I got a little green bear in a clear jar today. Where do you think I should put him? Also, please comment telling me what you think I should name him!

Thank you people of Earth and Mars.

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