Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mint (aka Vladmir)

The Story of Mint (Part One)

Just a little background: Mint (aka Vladmir) is a koala. He was given to me today by Emi-chan and he is adorable. I would show you his little, adorable self except for the fact that my camera is mysteriously missing one of its two batteries. He is gray, fuzzy, and is holding some little green leaf. This is his story.

The world could be a cruel, cruel place. Sometimes the only company you have is a small green leaf that flew out of the sky and landed in your paw. And when you are lost and alone in a big scary world, you cling to that leaf like a lifeline and keep trudging forward. So what if your top-heavy? So what if you have tiny legs? None of that matters. You keep going and never turn back.

The little koala bear crashed head first into a puddle, getting soaked once again. "Oh, why does this keep happening to me?" he thought with a sigh, dragging himself back up and cursing his large head and puny legs. This was the 10th time today he had ended up in a puddle. At this rate, he thought he might drown before he could ever reach his destination.

Which was what again?... Oh, right. He didn't know what his destination was.

The koala clutched his little leaf in between his paws and looked up at the sky. "At least it stopped raining," he thought, and trudged on, an unknown destination ahead. Only him and his leaf, moving forward, hoping for a brighter and warmer future. "One little step at a time."

When you are a small koala bear with very small legs, you don't get anywhere fast. The koala stopped on a curb on the edge of a street, taking in his surroundings. He seemed to have wandered his way into a small town, people rushing back and forth all around him, all to distracted by their own pursuits to notice or care about a sad, cold koala. No one. No one, that is, until a small girl with brown piggy tales picked him up.

"Look, mommie!" she exclaimed, bouncing with joy. "I found a little bear!"

"Uck! It looks like that thing has been through hell!" the girls mother commented, looking down at the koala with disgust. "Put that in the trash, honey. Someone must have just thrown him here out a car window."

The little girl with the brown piggy tales looked sadly into the little koala's eyes, but followed her mother's wishes and dropped him into a near by trash bin and walked on, chatting excitedly once again about her upcoming birthday party, never again to think about the sad little koala now trapped in a can full of the other things nobody wanted.

And so, the koala bear had been shunned.

The little koala worked hard all night, building up sturdy things he found in the trash can to make a pile to climb up to the top with. His small green leaf was places carefully on a soda can, waiting patiently for the little koala bear. At dawn, escape finally in sight, he picked up his leaf and climbed carefully up bottles, cans, and foam containers until he could see the sky once again.

And fell to the ground with a thump. Where he was then kicked into the gutter and fell down the storm drain.

And that is the end of part one! I hope you all liked it, and part 2 shall be coming soon. You'll find out where Mint came from and why he is traveling in the next part, so stay tuned! Please comment on this post and vote on the poll at the bottom of the page. Feed the fish if you wish.

1 comment:

  1. aww this is really cute. i can't wait for the next post :) poor mint!
