Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Darren Criss

Yep. Darren Criss. Did I ever mention that I LOVE HIM?! Oh my god... Maybe I just have a thing for any guy who plays Harry Potter in any form. Darren played Harry Potter in A Very Potter Musical and Sequel and recently landed a role as Blaine on Glee. He is now the only reason I started Glee. HE IS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!! I love how soon the whole world may have a crush on him soon. I love Darren Criss so much that I had to make a blog post just about him.

Check this video out and then you may understand my love of him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn8IkrxLOfY&feature=related

Ok, this sounds weird. There is something that I need to explain about this. I say that I love a lot of people, Darren Criss included. And maybe it is true. But I need you to understand that no matter how much I say I love these guys I have never actually met (and some fictional guys), I still love one guy more than any of them. And by "more" I mean 10000000000000000000000000 times more. That guy is my boyfriend, Neko. But you probably already guessed that. I just thought it was necessary to explain that I don't love any of these other guys so much that I would die for them and leave my boyfriend for them if they show up on my doorstep.

In retrospect, I don't even know why I made this post. It really had no point.

"Bad spellers UNTIE!"


  1. Wait, are you saying that you would or wouldn't run away with one of them if they showed up on your door step?
