Saturday, November 13, 2010

Next Week

(I'm having MAJOR formatting issues with this post. Blogger is fighting me. Sorry if anything looks weird!)

I am thinking that next week will be on of the best of my life. Next week on Wednesday, Krispy Kreme is reopening. This is amazing thing number one. Oh the delicious doughnuts, hot a fresh from the line, floating in my memory, soon to be real once again. It shall be excellent to see that "Hot Fresh Doughnuts" now sign lit up in their window once again. Sweet deliciousness ready to melt onto tongues of people across our city once again. Yes, I know this makes me sound fat. I don't care.

Next week on Thursday night (technically Friday since this is occurring at midnight) is the opening of
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-- a title I have been forbidden to speak again in my house. My mom got sick of me begging to go to the midnight premiere, and made a deal with me that I could go as long as I did not mention the title again. That's how sick she was of hearing about it. BUT I GET TO GO!!!!!!!! Amazingly excited. I practically start happy dancing every time I think about this movie.

A while ago I thought of writing a book retelling the story of my school, slightly fictionalized, as it is from my point-of-view. Well, my friend Emily has been keeping a book of "fails" that have occurred around her since the beginning of the year, and I think it is going to be much funnier to retell the story of our fails. So now this is going to be a team effort! Today I have been feeling like writing a lot (hence this being my second post in one day) so I started retelling one fail. I then remember that the day and class that fail occurred on, about 4 more fails also happened. A rough draft of their stories have now been written. After which I read some Deathly Hallows, then some To Kill a Mockingbird, and then wrote a little thing on dreams and the only thing I remember from my dream last night. I am tempted to tell you the thing I remembered from my dream, but that is not a good idea at all. It would just be awkward and I would later regret posting it. So I'm not going too. Haha.

I think we need a random Urban Dictionary word of the day. Going to the site and hitting the random button until I get a word that has a definition that is not mentally disturbing.

1. Mer
An expression of nonchalance and impassiveness, commonly used in situations that require less-than-sufficient answers. May be used to express a variety of emotional states, the essences of which are indicated by the tone of the speaker. Origin: San Diego, CA, circa 2003.
After thinking of all the day's events and realizing that it's an immense task in itself to summarize everything: one simply sighs to his or her companions, "mer..."
So.... Mer.

"Take a chance, take your shoes off, dance in the rain. We were splashing around and the news spread all over town. I'm not complaining that it's raining, I'm just saying that I like it a lot." -Panic at the Disco (I Have Friends in Holy Spaces)

1 comment:

  1. I first became aware of the failing economy when Krispy Kreme closed. 'Twas a sad, sad day... So I just went next door to In N Out instead!

    How detailed is this story? Is it based solely on the fails or what? It will definitely make us laugh. But will it make us cry? o.0
