Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hakuna Matata

Time to breath a small sigh of relief and realize that I can actually relax a little bit for once. Next week we get a four day weekend, meaning 2 less days of school than usual. Let the partying begin! Going to my school can be really stressful sometimes, but I could never leave. I feel like that is where I belong now, and I KNOW that I need the people in it. Actually... I take that back. If I get a letter from Hogwarts, I am totally leaving.

I think I need a random word of the day. I'm going to go on Urban Dictionary, hit the random button, and put the first thing to come up here.

...Nevermind. That was a little too weird. I'll put the second one.... or the third....maybe the fourth? ....I don't even understand that one.... no.... everyone knows that one.... no... no.... NO.... boring... here we go!

1. Mewl
The noise made by a cat in distress or when begging.
Owner: "Do you want some fish?"
Cat with big wide mournful eyes. "Mewl!"
Well, that took a while, but I found something interest that wasn't dirty or promoting drug use. Be careful when using that site, kiddies.

Well, I am going to return peacefully now to the fanfiction I was reading before being distracted by my blog. I actually have comments for once! Shout out to Beeka-chu, my current only commenter. The picture below is for you, my friend.

Please help support the HP Alliance in their fight against 7 real world horcruxes. Go to and sign the petition for the Starvation Wages Horcrux.

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