Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Have you ever stopped to think about how different conversations can end compared to how they started. Today I was talking about gay rights with my dad and somehow we ended up talking about book banning by the end. Somehow later we got on to Battlestar Galactica (please pardon me if that is spelled wrong. I'm a horrible speller and am not very familiar with the show).
So next time you start a long conversation, take a minute to stop and figure out how you got to the topic you are on by the end.

I had an EXCELLENT idea for a blog yesterday when I was laying on the couch half asleep. Of course I have now completely forgotten what the topic was, what I thought about it, or anything else for that matter. This happens to me a lot. If you know how to make it stop, please tell me.

Feel free to comment on this or any of my other posts. No one ever comments but it would make me smile if you did.

Also, feel free to feed the fish.

"My best friend is a person who will buy me a book I have not read."

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