Sunday, August 1, 2010


Through out our lives we learn various lessons. Starting with the simple (e.x. the golden rule) and getting more and more complex as we get older. Today I learned that you will get tired very quickly if you try dancing while walking the dog. This should have been obvious, but I learned something just the same. Just as we should try to learn something everyday, I think we should find a reason why everyday is awesome (got the idea from

Today is awesome because... I remembered to make a blog post.

Another important lesson that I still need to learn is that procrastination is NOT GOOD! I've had trouble with this my whole life (a long with "do not talk in class"). I consider myself to be a master procrastinator. If procrastination was a sporting advent, I would get the gold medal. Unlike spelling, in which I wouldn't even place.

When I started this summer I decided I wanted to finish all the homework I had within 2 weeks. Now here I am, summer almost over, and I still haven't finished. Procrastination FTW. (By the way, this whole time I have been using spell check to fix my mistakes every time I wrote "procrastination." This was only the second time I got it right by myself. So today is awesome because I can spell "procrastination" without spell check.)

"Ever notice that 'studying' is 'student' and 'dying' put together?"

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