Friday, November 12, 2010

*Happy Sigh*

I've been re-watching The Little Mermaid today for the first time in a LONG time. It has made me realize two things...

1) The Little Mermaid is still my favorite movie. Ever.

2) I completely understand the appeal of a willow tree on a river. *insert heart sigh here which blogger is telling me is broken*

Yeah, I know that second reason is going to make any sense to many people who will read this. But it makes sense to me, and it will make sense to a few others. Please forgive my many private jokes that may appear in this blog. My life is one of those "you had to be there" things.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I was "there."
    However, I understand the romantic appeal of will-
    HOLY CRAP, I just realized what you were talking about! OH, LOL!
    Symbolic for boyfriends or not, I still see how friggin romantic being under a willow tree would be. Surrounded by cascading leaves, all secluded and such...
    **girl willies**
