Sunday, May 22, 2011

English assignment- Sonnets about love

First, this is my try at a Shakespearian sonnet. Requirement: follow all the rules of sonnets and be about love.

True love is something that cannot be told
for words alone can’t describe the feel of
the only one you truly want to hold.
Once bitten, you will never want to heal.
Only one person could understand
that feeling that you get inside your chest
from the fire in your heart they fan.
You still want to stay through every test.
Your every emotion rides with them,
and your heart no longer belongs to you.
To you, they will always be a perfect ten
and the love always feels like it is new.
They confuse you, but are there when it counts
and they make you look past all of your doubts.

The next is my attempt at a Petrarchan sonnet. Same requirements, different rhyming scheme.

Why is it every time you are near
my hearts starts to beat faster? My racing
after you; I feel I am always chasing.
To my eyes, you have the power to bring a tear,
yet losing you is still my greatest fear.
Thoughts of you still my feverish pacing,
my determination is  not fazing.
But with you, I am helpless as a dear.

Any good?

Monday, May 16, 2011

By request: Semi-formal, a recounting.

My lovely brother (long story, but she is and always has been a girl both body and soul) Bika-chu has suggested that I recount to you all the story of my school semi-formal. So, here it is, from the point of view of... well, me.

The night started off with everyones grand entrance to the... well, it was the parking lot really. Exclamations rang out, compliments bouncing around. The theme: Mardi Gras, so many were wearing splendid masks covered in glitter and sparkles. I believe every girl was in a dress, and some of the guys bothered to wear dress pants... some did not. Me? I was dressed in a gold strapless dress. I was told that I looked naked from a distance, but I still like that dress.

The music started at around 7:30, the DJ playing both the same old pop songs we've been hearing since 7th grade and some fun new ones and classics (I recall hearing YMCA as well as Single Ladies). I payed little attention to the music however, flocking to the food with my friends. Chocolate covered strawberries were devoured at lightning speed. I had a piece of pie (that I later discovered dripped on my dress) and I watched my date, Nico, devour 7 small egg shaped white chocolate cakes.

Outside, it was cold but still light out for a little while. Out there, I was able to talk Nico into dancing with me to a slow song we could hear from the dance floor. Mostly, people were just talking outside and I believe I saw some people attempt to play basketball for a short time. Some of the girls were gathered together to take a picture just before the last of the daylight faded away. This is pictured below.

Picture taken on Angelynn Jose's camera that was held by Alex Salcedo.
And, as we must do at every dance I attend, we played truth or dare. Pretty uneventful unless you care to see my screaming into hats in front of teachers, find out how often guys have sex with themselves, or have some sick desire to see me kissing my boyfriend. Really, I hope you have desires for none of the above. Truth or dare eventually faded into a game of Shoot, Shag, Marry, and later shifted back. Sadly, there were no proposals of marriage this year.

At some point, I was inside and got ripped off for a very crappy "prom" photo that looks both beautiful and incredibly awkward at the same time. A cropped version of this can be seen below.

I beg you not to make fun of this picture more than I do... or comment on why his tie is undone. It's a long story.

The rest of my night was spent shivering outside at a table, clinging to Nico for warmth and cursing myself for not wearing tights. The table covering was torn to pieces, decorative Silly Bands were flung around and/or broken, and some people continued to dance. Speaking of dancing, everyone on the dance floor were at one point seen line dancing (or possibly trying to communicate with the home planet).

For personal reasons, I would say the night was pretty epic. Everyone had different reasons to enjoy the night, everyone loving the excuse to have a big party together. Dances were had, saliva was exchanged (or so I am told ;3), shoes were discarded, cakes were eaten, pictures were taken. Monday evening and I am still dying to go back to Saturday night and relive this night again.

"We can dance until we die, you and I will be young forever. You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream the way you turn me on." - Teenage Dream by Katy Perry.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Random moments of brilliance: often contain bacon The Bacon Song. This should be my theme song.

Okay, so I love bacon. I love bacon like... like a... like a pirate loves liquor (sure, that'll work). While celebrating my mom today, I got the chance to experience the wonder of bacon flapjacks with a side of bacon and a Bacon Sundae. In fact, I loved that bacon sundae so much that I said I want to marry it. My parents were not surprised that I would leave my boyfriend for bacon. I told them no, I would not leave him, but he must except that my love would be shared between him and that bacon sundae.

I hope you all had a wonderful, possibly bacon-filled, mothers day. To all you moms: Thanks for, you know, giving us life.

English Assignment: Sci-fi

The two men stepped out of the spaceship, feet clinking on the hard metal, the looks of nervousness on their faces turning to pure horror as they saw the creatures in front of them. One man leaned over to the other, never taking his eyes away from the 4 hideous creatures in front of them.
“Commander, what are they?” he whispered to his companion. He got no reply from his unblinking Commander who seemed currently incapable of speech. Neither of them seemed to be able to look away.
The creatures in front of them were a strange, disgusting looking species of unknown decent. Most of them looked pale pink, fleshy in a strong but almost gelatinous way, and they had long strands of what looked to be tiny, thin strips of fabric coming out of their head cavities. A few of them looked liked they had been burnt, whole bodies thrown into the fire until their skin had turned shades darker. Their eyes seemed perfectly round, but scared looking and as though they may pop out of the creatures heads at any moment. Their mouths, a mere line with extra flesh surrounding it.
The two men from the spaceship had never seen anything so horrible looking.
T-these hideous creatures...” the Commander finally made out. “What are they, Private?”
“I don’t know,” Private replied. “Do you think they understand what we are saying?”
“I have no idea.”
The “creatures” stood staring at the men coming out of the flying metal contraption, mouths agape as they witnessed before them something unlike anything they had seen before.
“Dude, what are they?” One of the creatures said to the other. “And why are they so UGLY?”
“Ssh, Dylan,” another whispered to him, still staring at the creatures. “If we understand what they are saying, chances are they understand us too.”
“That’s another thing! How do they have the right to call us ugly when just looking at them is making me want to puke!” Dylan complained loudly. The others turned to him and shushed him in unison, leaving his question unanswered. They didn’t have an answer to give anyway. 
The Private, in a moment of bravery, took a small step towards the creatures and moved to extend his hand. As soon as he moved in arm though, every one of the creatures pulled out a gun and pointed it at him. He froze, looking back in terror at his Commander for help.
The Commander, shaken out of his stupor by seeing his Private in danger, had already pulled out a gun as well and had it pointed to the creatures in front of them. He was staring deep into one of the creatures eyes, both of them daring the other to shoot. Nobody moved, the shaking Private stuck in between the two grounds, arm half way raised and scared to move.
“Nobody shoot,” the creature at the front told the others. “If we shoot first, we’ll be the reason for the start of an intergalactic war.”
“Man, I really think I’m going to be sick,” Dylan whimpered.
“Shut up,” the others replied.
“Private, back up,” the Commander ordered.
“W-wahhhh?” the Private yelled, still trying not to move.
“I said get back here!” he barked. “We’re leaving this creepy-ass place!”
“Watch your language,  Commander,” the creature in front sneered from behind the point of her gun.
The side of the Commander’s mouth curled up into a smirk. “So you do talk, eh?”
“No more or less than you do,” came the creatures reply.
“Well, I think we’ll be leaving before one of you... things shoots the head off of my Private.”
“Well, the things wish you a safe journey,” she replied, rolling her eyes, not yet lowering her gun.
Private quickly scurried back into the ship after a approving nod was given to him both by his Commander and the creature pointing a gun at him. The Commander, gun still pointed at the female creature in the front, slowly backed into the ship behind him and shut the door, only lowing his gun once the creatures and disappeared from sight and the spaceship was shooting away from the planet.
“God, those things were disgusting.” The Commander grimaced and sat down heavily on a metal bench of the ship, laying his head in his hands.
“Yes, they were, Sir,” replied the still shaken Private. “I don’t know why, but that one they called ‘Dylan’ seemed vaguely familiar.”
“Yeah, that was weird.”

Allen Walker
"Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia."- Looking for Alaska by John Green.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Replying to your comments

All the following are my replies to the comments I got on my "Google Answers" series.

LOL, the gayness of our idols affects the nature of our fandom for them! Even though in reality, we never had, have, or will have a chance. Pathetic but... practical in a way. As for Dumbledore, it's probably just a clarifying thing. "Hey, Holly told me Dumbledore was gay. Imma google it just in case she's messing with me." -Becca
Becca, do you have any idea how many celebrity guys are openly gay and still have hoards of fan girls who claim to want to have their children? A lot. There are also a lot of straight celebrities forced into gay fantasies by males and females alike (I'm looking at you, yaoi fans). And Bikachu, I do not mess around when it comes to Harry Potter. On another note, thanks for being a commenter for so long. It makes me so happy every time I see a new comment from you. Please continue! Haha.

Disc golf sounds fun. You should do another one of these. :D -Angie
Done and done. I hope you enjoyed the Google answers. I'd love it if you would tell me what you want to see more of. It would give me ideas for more posts.

Lol I learned something today! I didn't know Dumbledore was gay I just thought he was a Pedo. -Benjamin
I don't like Ben. He pushed me off a desk the other day. He confused some random GUY for me today. Ben, are you trying to make me dislike you? You know what, as a punishment for considering Dumbledore to be a pedophile, I am sending Pedobear to your house. You won't know when he will get there, and you won't know how, but he will be there. Most likely while you're in the shower. Actually, that sounds disturbing. I take that back. But I don't like you at all right now. Oh, wait... you helped me move. Nevermind, I like you again. Just don't call wonderful, innocent, amazing, beautiful characters pedophiles again.

I love the answer to the first question XD. LOL @ the pancake picture. :D -Angee
Haha, thanks! And yes, pancake orgy FTW.

"You are so hot you are losing brain cells." Why, thank you! -Sarah Palmer
Your welcome, sexy. Haha. Just joking around. Or am I? No, seriously, I am joking. I don't roll that way. I mean, you probably are sexy, but not to me. I mean... oh, I'm just going to shut up now. You know what I mean.

I need to stop thinking

As always, my mind is my own worst enemy.

My mind always seems to be thinking about a million things at once, or worse, one thing specifically. I end up thinking about things I shouldn't, bad things that could happen or interpretations on things that are entirely wrong, and I always end up feeling like crap because of it. I often read to much into the actions of people, figure out double meanings of text, or try to understand peoples emotions and get it all wrong. I need to be saved from my own mind, which is maybe why I write.

I use these emotions I have stirred up or created inside myself and fuel it into a story. I make it how the character feels, what the tone is, or just write in general to distract myself from my own thoughts. Sometimes I write characters doing the things I would rather be doing or in a better mood then I am because it gets me into a better state of mind. Actually, everything I am writing right now was floating in my mind scrapping at the walls of my skull, trying to fight their way out. I'm writing this to set them free, remove these feelings from my person, and distract myself from the clawing at my heart and mind created by my own thoughts and the existance of the universe.

I pray that all of you are able to survive their own thoughts better than I can... and the zombie apocalypse.

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. "- Buddha

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Answering Google Questions 4- The Finale

These were found by typing "why does" into Google and looking at the top searched things. Enjoy.

Why does my eye twitch?
Because it wants to? Probably because your eye wants you to look like a creepy person who should have scars and carry a bloody knife, because there is something in your eye, or it is just a normal muscle twitch/spasm like you can have it any part of your body.

Why does ice float?
Ice floats because it is less dense than water. Hey! I guess I really did learn something in chemistry class!

Why does salt melt ice?
...Chemistry, you fail me. Um, my guess is that the salt acts as a catalyst to the melting process. Or your salt is on fire, you should probably look into that.

Why does it snow?
So everyone can have a white Christmas.

Why does it rain?
It rains because the clouds get to heavy and "drop their load" to put it in layman's terms. Really, you could learn about the water cycle from The Magic School Bus, second grade, most science texts books, or your mom, so I really feel it sad that anyone would need to Google this.

Why does my dog eat poop?
He/she eats poop because they are missing a nutrient and it is possible that the poop smells like food.

Why does poop float?
Let's get this straight: not all poop floats. There are some called "sinkers" that actually fall to the bottom of the bowl. My guess to why SOME poops float is that they are less dense than water, much like the ice. If it floats in water, it is less dense than water. Try to remember that, you nincompoops.

Why does hair turn gray?
Hair turns gray because of the chemicals in your body, to put it very simply. Things like age, stress, and trauma can change the balance of the chemicals in your body that effect hair color and, hence, make your hair turn gray.

Why does popcorn pop?
Because if it didn't, it would just be corn.

Why does Easter change?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Do you mean why does the DATE of Easter change? It's because Easter occurs not on a specific day because it is a "movable feast" (dare I say it... Google it if you don't know what that means) and always lands sometime around March 22-April 25.

THE END. Hope you love my Google rantings.

"I love you like a fat kid loves cake."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Answering Google Questions 3

These questions were found by typing "where is" into Google search and looking at the top suggestions. These questions were answered under the influence of coconut cream pie.

Where is my refund?
Well, if you are anything like us, it's already in your bank account and you didn't even notice. I would check that first. If it isn't there, try the IRS website for more information.

Where is Chuck Norris?
Under your mom.

Where is the love?
Hidden beneath the hate, the hurt, and the smog.

Where is the love lyrics?
Under the name of every love song ever written. Trust me, there are a lot. I would suggestion "Silly Little Love Songs" Glee Cast version. It is sung by the amazing Darren Criss, making it instantly awesome. The lyrics are the part with his voice in case you were looking for them.

Where is bin Laden's body?
Floating in the ocean somewhere from what I have heard. He's sleeping with the fishes, you know.

Where is Osama bin Laden's body?
I like that you have improved the preciseness of this question by including his first name. Please see the question prior to this for the answer.

Where is islamabad?
Better question: What the eff is islamabad? Or is it a who?

Where is my mind?
I don't know, but if you find it please tell me if you see mine as well. It has been missing for so long, I do miss it sometimes.

Where is Tunisia?
I have no idea. Is it a place? My guess is Alabama.

Where is my mind lyrics?
Find your mind and maybe you will find the lyrics written on it.
"Life sucks, and then you die."

Monday, May 2, 2011

Answering Google Questions 2

These were found by typing "am I" into Google and letting it suggest top searched things.

Am I pregnant?
If you are even needing to ask this question, the answer is probably yes. However, I hope you realize that a Google search is not the same as peeing on a stick labeled "pregnancy test" and I beg you to not try to pee on Google. Please visit your local drug store and buy a pregnancy test, take it, and if you pass... A+! You made yourself a baby!

Am I fat?
Of course not, baby. You're beautiful.

Am I depressed?
Maybe, but I would see a doctor about it. It might just be that your life is a bit crappy at the moment, you might have PMS, or might just a little upset.

Am I pretty?
Oh so pretty and witty and gay(happy)? Of course you are, you beautiful creature. But I have no idea why you thought a Google search would tell if you were pretty or not. Maybe a better search would have been "raising self confidence."

Am I in love?
I have to admit, I have Googled this before myself. And thanks to that Google search, for the longest time I believed the answer to be yes. The answer was actually no. Trust me, when you are actually in love, you won't need a Google search to tell you.

Am I overweight?
Same answer for the "am I fat" question, but the people asking this are avoiding calling themselves fat or are more positive about life.

Am I ugly?
Of course not.

Am I bipolar?
I love seeing people try to use Google as a doctor. You might be, but the internet wouldn't know.

Am I hot?
Depends, do you have a fever over 104 degrees Fahrenheit? If so, yes. You are so hot you are losing brain cells.
"The world is a mess and I just... need to rule it." -Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.