Sunday, May 22, 2011

English assignment- Sonnets about love

First, this is my try at a Shakespearian sonnet. Requirement: follow all the rules of sonnets and be about love.

True love is something that cannot be told
for words alone can’t describe the feel of
the only one you truly want to hold.
Once bitten, you will never want to heal.
Only one person could understand
that feeling that you get inside your chest
from the fire in your heart they fan.
You still want to stay through every test.
Your every emotion rides with them,
and your heart no longer belongs to you.
To you, they will always be a perfect ten
and the love always feels like it is new.
They confuse you, but are there when it counts
and they make you look past all of your doubts.

The next is my attempt at a Petrarchan sonnet. Same requirements, different rhyming scheme.

Why is it every time you are near
my hearts starts to beat faster? My racing
after you; I feel I am always chasing.
To my eyes, you have the power to bring a tear,
yet losing you is still my greatest fear.
Thoughts of you still my feverish pacing,
my determination is  not fazing.
But with you, I am helpless as a dear.

Any good?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the first one but the second one is unfinished.
