Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Answering Google Questions 4- The Finale

These were found by typing "why does" into Google and looking at the top searched things. Enjoy.

Why does my eye twitch?
Because it wants to? Probably because your eye wants you to look like a creepy person who should have scars and carry a bloody knife, because there is something in your eye, or it is just a normal muscle twitch/spasm like you can have it any part of your body.

Why does ice float?
Ice floats because it is less dense than water. Hey! I guess I really did learn something in chemistry class!

Why does salt melt ice?
...Chemistry, you fail me. Um, my guess is that the salt acts as a catalyst to the melting process. Or your salt is on fire, you should probably look into that.

Why does it snow?
So everyone can have a white Christmas.

Why does it rain?
It rains because the clouds get to heavy and "drop their load" to put it in layman's terms. Really, you could learn about the water cycle from The Magic School Bus, second grade, most science texts books, or your mom, so I really feel it sad that anyone would need to Google this.

Why does my dog eat poop?
He/she eats poop because they are missing a nutrient and it is possible that the poop smells like food.

Why does poop float?
Let's get this straight: not all poop floats. There are some called "sinkers" that actually fall to the bottom of the bowl. My guess to why SOME poops float is that they are less dense than water, much like the ice. If it floats in water, it is less dense than water. Try to remember that, you nincompoops.

Why does hair turn gray?
Hair turns gray because of the chemicals in your body, to put it very simply. Things like age, stress, and trauma can change the balance of the chemicals in your body that effect hair color and, hence, make your hair turn gray.

Why does popcorn pop?
Because if it didn't, it would just be corn.

Why does Easter change?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Do you mean why does the DATE of Easter change? It's because Easter occurs not on a specific day because it is a "movable feast" (dare I say it... Google it if you don't know what that means) and always lands sometime around March 22-April 25.

THE END. Hope you love my Google rantings.

"I love you like a fat kid loves cake."

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