Sunday, May 8, 2011

Random moments of brilliance: often contain bacon The Bacon Song. This should be my theme song.

Okay, so I love bacon. I love bacon like... like a... like a pirate loves liquor (sure, that'll work). While celebrating my mom today, I got the chance to experience the wonder of bacon flapjacks with a side of bacon and a Bacon Sundae. In fact, I loved that bacon sundae so much that I said I want to marry it. My parents were not surprised that I would leave my boyfriend for bacon. I told them no, I would not leave him, but he must except that my love would be shared between him and that bacon sundae.

I hope you all had a wonderful, possibly bacon-filled, mothers day. To all you moms: Thanks for, you know, giving us life.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the best Mother's Day ever. Hopefully the bacon theme was because your mom enjoys bacon as much as you do!

    It kinda makes me feel a little guilty (I didn't get out of bed until 6:30 PM). But I did go to church with her, which made her happy.

    I don't know how to feel about bacon ICE CREAM, but if bacon chocolate bars can work out, why not?
    Where does one obtain bacon ice cream?
