Monday, May 2, 2011

Answering Google Questions 2

These were found by typing "am I" into Google and letting it suggest top searched things.

Am I pregnant?
If you are even needing to ask this question, the answer is probably yes. However, I hope you realize that a Google search is not the same as peeing on a stick labeled "pregnancy test" and I beg you to not try to pee on Google. Please visit your local drug store and buy a pregnancy test, take it, and if you pass... A+! You made yourself a baby!

Am I fat?
Of course not, baby. You're beautiful.

Am I depressed?
Maybe, but I would see a doctor about it. It might just be that your life is a bit crappy at the moment, you might have PMS, or might just a little upset.

Am I pretty?
Oh so pretty and witty and gay(happy)? Of course you are, you beautiful creature. But I have no idea why you thought a Google search would tell if you were pretty or not. Maybe a better search would have been "raising self confidence."

Am I in love?
I have to admit, I have Googled this before myself. And thanks to that Google search, for the longest time I believed the answer to be yes. The answer was actually no. Trust me, when you are actually in love, you won't need a Google search to tell you.

Am I overweight?
Same answer for the "am I fat" question, but the people asking this are avoiding calling themselves fat or are more positive about life.

Am I ugly?
Of course not.

Am I bipolar?
I love seeing people try to use Google as a doctor. You might be, but the internet wouldn't know.

Am I hot?
Depends, do you have a fever over 104 degrees Fahrenheit? If so, yes. You are so hot you are losing brain cells.
"The world is a mess and I just... need to rule it." -Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.


  1. I love the answer to the first question XD.

    LOL @ the pancake picture. :D

  2. "You are so hot you are losing brain cells."
    Why, thank you!
