Sunday, May 8, 2011

English Assignment: Sci-fi

The two men stepped out of the spaceship, feet clinking on the hard metal, the looks of nervousness on their faces turning to pure horror as they saw the creatures in front of them. One man leaned over to the other, never taking his eyes away from the 4 hideous creatures in front of them.
“Commander, what are they?” he whispered to his companion. He got no reply from his unblinking Commander who seemed currently incapable of speech. Neither of them seemed to be able to look away.
The creatures in front of them were a strange, disgusting looking species of unknown decent. Most of them looked pale pink, fleshy in a strong but almost gelatinous way, and they had long strands of what looked to be tiny, thin strips of fabric coming out of their head cavities. A few of them looked liked they had been burnt, whole bodies thrown into the fire until their skin had turned shades darker. Their eyes seemed perfectly round, but scared looking and as though they may pop out of the creatures heads at any moment. Their mouths, a mere line with extra flesh surrounding it.
The two men from the spaceship had never seen anything so horrible looking.
T-these hideous creatures...” the Commander finally made out. “What are they, Private?”
“I don’t know,” Private replied. “Do you think they understand what we are saying?”
“I have no idea.”
The “creatures” stood staring at the men coming out of the flying metal contraption, mouths agape as they witnessed before them something unlike anything they had seen before.
“Dude, what are they?” One of the creatures said to the other. “And why are they so UGLY?”
“Ssh, Dylan,” another whispered to him, still staring at the creatures. “If we understand what they are saying, chances are they understand us too.”
“That’s another thing! How do they have the right to call us ugly when just looking at them is making me want to puke!” Dylan complained loudly. The others turned to him and shushed him in unison, leaving his question unanswered. They didn’t have an answer to give anyway. 
The Private, in a moment of bravery, took a small step towards the creatures and moved to extend his hand. As soon as he moved in arm though, every one of the creatures pulled out a gun and pointed it at him. He froze, looking back in terror at his Commander for help.
The Commander, shaken out of his stupor by seeing his Private in danger, had already pulled out a gun as well and had it pointed to the creatures in front of them. He was staring deep into one of the creatures eyes, both of them daring the other to shoot. Nobody moved, the shaking Private stuck in between the two grounds, arm half way raised and scared to move.
“Nobody shoot,” the creature at the front told the others. “If we shoot first, we’ll be the reason for the start of an intergalactic war.”
“Man, I really think I’m going to be sick,” Dylan whimpered.
“Shut up,” the others replied.
“Private, back up,” the Commander ordered.
“W-wahhhh?” the Private yelled, still trying not to move.
“I said get back here!” he barked. “We’re leaving this creepy-ass place!”
“Watch your language,  Commander,” the creature in front sneered from behind the point of her gun.
The side of the Commander’s mouth curled up into a smirk. “So you do talk, eh?”
“No more or less than you do,” came the creatures reply.
“Well, I think we’ll be leaving before one of you... things shoots the head off of my Private.”
“Well, the things wish you a safe journey,” she replied, rolling her eyes, not yet lowering her gun.
Private quickly scurried back into the ship after a approving nod was given to him both by his Commander and the creature pointing a gun at him. The Commander, gun still pointed at the female creature in the front, slowly backed into the ship behind him and shut the door, only lowing his gun once the creatures and disappeared from sight and the spaceship was shooting away from the planet.
“God, those things were disgusting.” The Commander grimaced and sat down heavily on a metal bench of the ship, laying his head in his hands.
“Yes, they were, Sir,” replied the still shaken Private. “I don’t know why, but that one they called ‘Dylan’ seemed vaguely familiar.”
“Yeah, that was weird.”

Allen Walker
"Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia."- Looking for Alaska by John Green.

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