Saturday, April 30, 2011

Answering Google Questions

All of these questions were the top suggestions when typing "is d" into Google.

Is Daniel Tosh gay?
Well, I am not sure who Daniel Tosh is, but I have serious concerns about why so many people care about the nature of his sexuality. Is it really all that important? And to answer your question: probably not.

Is Darren Criss gay?
First off, let me commend Darren Criss for becoming famous enough to be such a high suggestion in Google. Let me now scold the internet for being so stupid and shallows as to be asking this so much. No, Darren Criss is not gay. He plays a gay character on Glee, yes, but he is an ACTOR, meaning he is ACTING. And yes, I will admit that many people who play gay characters are gay in real life as well, but that doesn't mean they all are. And again, an actors sexuality should not be this important to people and I really don't see why they care.

Is diet soda bad for you?
Hm... let me consult a can of Diet Coke from my fridge and get back to you on that.
<5 minutes later>
Yes. Yes, it is. I mean, the second ingrediant is "carmel color" and it contains things that only act as a preservative. It's crap in a can, but it tastes okay and the word "diet" helps people feel better about themselves. So, enjoy your belly fat, consumer.

Is David Tutera gay?
Please see my answer to the first question. The same holds true here.

Is dance a sport?
Sure, why not. Anything can be anything if you really want it to be. But if you ask me, if disc golf can be considered a serious sport, so can dance. (although dance is far more athletic that disc golf)

Is Dumbledore gay?
Yes. But it is REALLY sad that now people feel the need to even question fictional character's sexuality.

Is Diet Coke bad for you?
I believe I have already shown this to be a yes.

Is Daniel Radcliffe gay?
*bangs head against wall* No. No, he is not.

Is David Tutera married?
I'm not even going to answer this because I know that at least 60 % of the people asking this question were actually wondering if he was married to a guy.

Is Drake Jewish?
I don't know, I'm just glad you weren't asking if he was gay.

"And I wanna know no matter where these feet will go that you'll swear you'll always be there in the dark for me to find. I wanna shine."- Shine by The Caulden Road (

Friday, April 8, 2011

It comes to my mind, it gets written down

HELLO PEOPLE! MY MIND IS WORKING IN ALL CAPS RIGHT NOW. Okay, all caps moment is over. So. I'm sitting here. At home. I don't have my writing notebook, otherwise I would be working on NxD 2 right now. BUT WAIT, you don't know what NxD is. Well, basically it's a story (yaoi to be more exact) about these two guys, N*** and D****. We wrote this originally to be a one time short story just for fun. It ended up amazing. So, we suddenly had the idea the other day to write a sequel. And the sequel is already even better than the first one!!! AAAAAH, so good!

Okay, YouTube calls. BYE!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


...I had a excellent opening to this blog not a moment ago. But that was also when this post was titled "Questions and Yaoi." As soon as I started writing though, I realized I had no real reason to bring up yaoi other than the fact that my friends and I are writing one. But I'm not going to tell you about it. Ever. Don't ask.

Right now I am waiting for my wonderful friends on social networking sites to leave me questions. I have merely said that I need questions and told them to ask me anything. We shall see what happens. While we wait for questions to come it, I shall entertain you with a random photo off of my flash drive.

Awesome, no? I think this was a screen cap from SuperPoke on Facebook.
...The internet has provided me with a mere three questions. Not much, but I shall answer them honestly.

Why are you so awesome? In your own opinion of course.
Awesome literally runs in my blood. In fact, I might not even have blood. My body pumps pure awesome. If you have the right dictionary, if you look up "Holly" it will say "see awesome," and if you look up "awesome" it will say "see Holly." Was I born this awesome, you may be asking yourself? No, but I was born very awesome. It has developed and increased as I have grown. If I was born this awesome, the world might have exploded.

Whats your name?
My name is Melvin Gerard Pancake. I was born 23 years ago in a small town in Oklahoma to Yovenna and Timothy.

What is your biggest pet-peeve?
People talking to me while I am reading FOR NO FREAKING REASON. It's like if I am reading a book and am in a really good part, suddenly someone finds the need to point out something on the TV I'm not watching, or try to strike up a random conversation. This is for the people who do this: I WAS READING FOR A REASON.

Why are baboon's butts so raw and bright red? And don't say because they sit all day; otherwise us **** students would have baboon butts as well.
I believe that baboons have strong spanking fetishes. Obsessive spanking of one another leads them to develop painful red butts. Eventually, the pain goes away as they get used to the spanking, but their butts are forever red.

...THE END! I hope you enjoyed question city. Leave more questions in the comments and next time I can do this again, only better.

"Don't sell your soul to buy peanuts for the monkeys."- Dorothy Salisbury Davis.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jelly Doughnuts

So, I have some stuff going on. This stuff isn't actually stuff, but if I leave my mind to think about it, it will become some major sh*t. And so, here I am talking about some random things. Be them brilliant or not, that is up to you to decide.

I have just posted to Facebook (:P) asking my dear friends to give me any random topic. I have not told them why or any other details other than it can be anything in 1-3 words. As soon as someone answers this post, I will talk about the topic they have suggested here. For you. Because I love you.

...So, Facebook seems to be failing. I have now posted this to Twitter as well, let us hope it will bring the desired results. While we wait, please enjoy this random image I found on my flash drive.

See? It's a doughnut from Krispy Kreme. It represent my love for you, because, like my love for you, it is jelly -filled.

Facebook and Twitter have delivered! I have three topics of which to speak about now, so here we go:

Topic #1- The time I...
I assume that this was suggested so I will tell you about the time I (being me in this case) did something. Did I ever tell you about the time I was eating a jelly doughnut in Journalism class? I know, sounds boring, but this was no ordinary doughnut! This jelly doughnut had TWO holes: one on the bottom, and one in the side (where the jelly was presumably inserted). It was also covered in powdered sugar. Being me, and also being hungry, I bit into the doughnut not worrying about the extra hole or sugar. This was a regret when the vengeful jelly decided to punch me in the face and bleed all over my hand. Then the sugar began an air raid and started to shower the carpet with sugary goodness. The end.

Topic #2- Nerds vs. Geeks :)
An interesting topic to say the least. But unlike the zombies vs. unicorns debate, I find I cannot take sides on this. I consider myself (and many of my friends) to be and nerd AND a geek. Yes, I am that awesome. So let's try looking at this in another way: who would win in a fight? A Nerd or a Geek? There are many different types of nerds and geeks, each with their own talents that may be useful in a battle. For example, Video Game Nerd vs. Star Wars geek. Who would win? Assuming the video game nerd has experience with RPG shooters, I'm going with them. There is only so far you can go with a plastic light saber, Star Wars Geek. A generic nerd vs. a generic geek? If must side, nerd. I DO NOT NEED REASONS.

Topic #3- Harry Potter
Well, let's just say that this is a topic I would be happy to right about any time. There are quite a few HP milestones coming up in the scarily-close future. First, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One comes out on DVD April 15. The beginning of the end! AH! I saw this movie at midnight on opening night and it was AMAZING. I have not been able to see it since. Excitement for the DVD is rampant. Also, July is getting closer and closer and bringing with it the second part of the finally to the Harry Potter movie series. The end. No more books, no more movies. WHAT THE HELL WILL I HAVE TO WAIT FOR ANYMORE? And I don't have my LeakyCon tickets yet: I'm scared.

Topic #4- I just lost...
Great. Thanks. The game has been lost. I hope you are happy.

Topic #5- Is a topic I wrote down before I remembered that there is no topic #5. So, the end.

I think that today calls for a random definition. Here goes nothing...and yes, this time it actually is the first thing I get when hitting "random."

1. mr.krabs
    The owner of the Krusty Krab on Spongebob. He is also Jewish.
    Mr. Krabs would kill for a penny.

...I have no idea where they got the Jewish thing.

Finally, we shall end this post with a picture (because we all know you like those) and a quote.

I typed "random picture" into GoogleImages, and this was the second image. The fourth image was Chuck Norris.

"It's my world, you just live in it." -I don't remember who said this. Very sorry.