Thursday, November 17, 2011

In Need of Those Random Moments

[Suggested song to listen to while reading this post: Going Through the Motions from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling]

Thanks to my wonderful friend Angelynn, I am posting! Yes, I am finally in a position where I can make blog posts again. Do I have anything to actually write about though? Not so much. But hey! I can rant a little, throw some random stuff in, save the world. Let's do this thing!

Life is... complicated. I seem to be running low on random moments of brilliance and high on periods of just going through the motions and inner torture. But I've got good music, friends, and a crap load of homework, so I'll make it through this. Actually, I feel I can make it through anything now that I've finished watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That's a problem actually. I know feel I can take down vampires and demons and come back from the dead and stuff. I start to forget that it hurts my hand when I punch something.

Well, enough about me! I'm not going into my life-babbling with you! I'm just going to get a random urban definition, answer from questions from Facebook, and get out of here so we can all get on with our pointless little lives.

...Okay, so maybe that wasn't random at all. But OH MY GOD BEN IS GLORY? If you aren't cool enough to understand that... well, you aren't Jasmine, that's for sure.

Yes, I'm obsessed with Buffy. Mostly James Marsters though. I swear to God he must be the sexiest guy ever born. I mean, really.

Just look at him!
QUESTION TIME! [I only got one :(]

Meziah asks: "Where is Waldo? And why is he always hiding? D:" 
Waldo is behind you right now. He's watching you, always watching you. You may not ever see him, but he will always see you. Day or night, night or day, Waldo will be there. Why does he hide? The world may never know... (I personally think he hides 
because he doesn't want anyone stealing those books he carries around).

Well folks, I now must take my leave. I have Angel to watch and books I should be writing. I hope all your lives are filled with cookies and happiness!

"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it." -Buffy Summers


  1. In Minecraft when you punch something (eg. trees) it does not hurt, and it yields the thing you punched intact.
