Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Story of the Lolness Monster

One day there was a boy. This was a seemly normal boy who was home one Thursday afternoon playing games on the internet. He had just pwned some n00b when suddenly, he heard a strange laughing sound coming from behind him.

"Mehaha. Mewhaha," went the voice. Shocked, the boy slowly turned around looking for the strange laughing creature.

"ARGH!" he yelled, see a large orange and white creature standing behind him holding a cheeseburger and a knife. "IT'S THE LOLNESS MONSTER!"

"I can haz blood," the creature said, laughing again....

When suddenly, from behind the Lolness monster jumped a ferocious internet troll who ate them all.



So, I had this dream last night. And in this dream, two remarkable things happened. The first one being that one of my teachers, Mr.G we shall call him, was selling Pocky at our school...

This is Pocky for those of you who don't know.
So anyway, he was selling three types of Pocky in the normal size boxes for $1 each. Needless to say, we were excited. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! He was also selling these HUGE freaking boxes that were taller than... my friend who's height has been estimated at 5' 1 1/2". They were either $15 or $50, I couldn't tell what the teacher said. Either way, IMAGINE THE SIZE OF THOSE POCKY STICKS! It was love at first sight.

But wait, there's even more! THEY PUT BACON IN THE SALAD BAR! Yes, actual bacon, not that fake crap they put on salads. This was freshly cooked, warm and delicious bacon. The only small problem: you had to dig through all the bacon to find some that wasn't mostly fat. IT WAS GOOD BACON THOUGH.

"Quotes are nothing but inspiration for the uninspired." - I forgot to get the person who said this.

Song of the day: Dream Weaver by Gary Wright.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Random Holly Time!

Hey guys! I hope you liked my last "teen rant" post! But I feel like going to my old stand byes today. So, I'm going to start by going to, pressing the random button, and waiting to find something I like.

Floor 20

It's a metaphor for safe choices, wearing your helmet, buckling your seatbeat, and taking your flintstone brand vitamins.

And now, a random image! Okay, not so random for me actually. I'm reading this really AWESOME web comic right now called MegaTokyo, and I kinda LOVE IT A LOT. So, here is one of my favorite pages featuring Largo

And finally, some good quotes! Okay, one excellent quote.

I am like
a dead begonia
hanging upside down
like a dead begonia
i don't give a fuck

We Aren't Our Parents- What's the problem with kissing?


Have you ever had your parents tell you when you were a teen "When I was your age..." and try to relate to you somehow? Well, here's thing thing-times have changed. Being a teen now isn't the same as it was when your parents were teens, and you aren't your parents. What your parents did when they were younger shouldn't mean anything to you, because you aren't them. So why do they continue to think they know what we're going through?

Because they don't actually remember what it was like.

If parents/teachers/adults truly remembered what it was like to be a teen, they wouldn't stop couples snogging in the hallway. They wouldn't tell you to go to bed earlier. They might actually instill a small amount of trust in you and let you make your own mistakes. Yes, parents do need to advice their children and keep them from doing certain stupid things, but that doesn't mean they have to take away their happiness.

And really, what is with this vendetta that most adults have for breaking apart kissing teens? #1. When you break them up in school, there is not much point. It's not like they are going to lose their pants in the middle of a school hallway. They just wanted a moment together: let them have it. #2: What do they have against love?

Okay, that is my teenage rant for today. I'm sorry, but it just frustrates me that adults go out of their way to break apart couples kissing. I'm not saying I've been ever caught, because I haven't, I'm just saying I know how much it would suck to have your hairy, wrinkly teacher come push you apart from your boyfriend/girlfriend while you're sharing a blissful, innocent kiss.

Spread the love.

Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who'll give you a little love, a little affection, a little tenderness? It means you're in the wrong house, that's what it means. -Henry Youngman

Friday, March 4, 2011

Eulogy for a Ladybug

They say that it's good luck if a ladybug lands on you. Is it bad luck if you find a dead one in your window?

I don't know how it made it in, all I know is that it never found the way back out. Now it lays on its' side on the window sill, life still going on around it, merely a shell of a once beautiful thing. We weep for the lady bug who never made someones day by landing on their arm, a friendly smile in a red coat that could make your day.

We will miss you, faithful creature.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Holly Lives!

Yes, dear readers, I am alive! I know I've been gone for a long time, and I'm sorry for that. I just haven't been able to get to the internet when I need it recently and have so many things going on. I am working on writing two books right now and am going to start looking into how to sell them. Also, my school is hell. I promise that I will start making posts again soon, but right now it just isn't that easy. I will be telling you about what I am working on soon and possibly share part of my book Falling with you. I will also be finishing the Mint story, which will have beautiful pictures of the main character.

Now, just for fun, I'm going to type "sorry" into GoogleImages and attach the first one that comes up that isn't blocked on the internet I'm on. <-- Nevermind. Blogger is being a bad word and won't attach my photo. I'm crying on the inside.

I love you all! PLEASE help me out by sharing this blog with as many people as possible, encourage people to follow it, and follow me on Twitter @RejectNormal for a soon-to-be daily dose of love, fun, and anything random.

This world can only be a world of beauty is that is what you look for it in. If you don't look, you'll never be able to see. -Holly DeHonestis