Friday, March 18, 2011

Random Holly Time!

Hey guys! I hope you liked my last "teen rant" post! But I feel like going to my old stand byes today. So, I'm going to start by going to, pressing the random button, and waiting to find something I like.

Floor 20

It's a metaphor for safe choices, wearing your helmet, buckling your seatbeat, and taking your flintstone brand vitamins.

And now, a random image! Okay, not so random for me actually. I'm reading this really AWESOME web comic right now called MegaTokyo, and I kinda LOVE IT A LOT. So, here is one of my favorite pages featuring Largo

And finally, some good quotes! Okay, one excellent quote.

I am like
a dead begonia
hanging upside down
like a dead begonia
i don't give a fuck

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