Friday, September 25, 2009

Super Happy

I am right now typing on top of my NEW DESK!!!! and it was free! but that is not why I am writing this. I am writing this because I feel like typing and because I have news! I am right now writing my very own Harry Potter fan fiction story. It is called Accio Dares. It is basically a dare show with me the host, and some of the HP characters as contestants! Right now I only have the introduction and first chapter up but I am working on chapter 2. My good friend neongarnet is going to be a guest host on the next chapter so i can't finish writing it without her. Since my friendly reviewers didn't have any dares for me this show, all the dares came from my friends at school today. They are fantastic and came up with some great dares. I now have enough for two chapers that are going to be so much fun to write seeing as how weird and horrible they are! ROFL! To give you a little hint at how weird these are I shall tell you one of them: Harry and Ron- light dorms on fire=Em. WOW. To end this post I shall have a quote from the truley amazing Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: "To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

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