Friday, September 25, 2009

Super Happy

I am right now typing on top of my NEW DESK!!!! and it was free! but that is not why I am writing this. I am writing this because I feel like typing and because I have news! I am right now writing my very own Harry Potter fan fiction story. It is called Accio Dares. It is basically a dare show with me the host, and some of the HP characters as contestants! Right now I only have the introduction and first chapter up but I am working on chapter 2. My good friend neongarnet is going to be a guest host on the next chapter so i can't finish writing it without her. Since my friendly reviewers didn't have any dares for me this show, all the dares came from my friends at school today. They are fantastic and came up with some great dares. I now have enough for two chapers that are going to be so much fun to write seeing as how weird and horrible they are! ROFL! To give you a little hint at how weird these are I shall tell you one of them: Harry and Ron- light dorms on fire=Em. WOW. To end this post I shall have a quote from the truley amazing Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: "To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

Monday, September 21, 2009

my first posted fanfic!

okay. so today i got the idea to write a harry potter fanfiction game show called "Accio Dares". Bascially i take dares from the reviewers and then make the people from harry potter do them. The people on the show are me as the host, and harry, ron, hermione, neville, ginny, and snape as the contestants. i already have to reviews and 3 people who set up story alerts for it! it makes me happy inside. talked to bobbie tonight. we made up another awesome story, got really lightheaded, she almost died, and i was almost upducted by aliens! no joking! oh the weird conversations the two of us have would make your head explode. I just found this jokes quote by Mark Twain:"Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper"


Rereading by past postings i have just realized that it seems like whatever i post seems way long when i am writing it out, then i reread it after i have posted and i see how short they actually are. I also realize that i forget titles and lables a lot. Oh well! i felt like adding a picture so (because i don't have a good one of Neville Longbottom) here is a picture of Tamaki/me.

hey! it's me again! and as you can see i am making a blog post! i'm kind of high off of OHSHC fanfic right now. normally i love harry potter fanfic but i have read so much of it that i need some change. i'm listening to my new The Remus Lupins CD right now: "The Rest is Silence". The long right now is Lovely Lily. <3. not much happening right now. Today was one of my friends birthdays and I brought home-made cauldron cakes! Finished my homework that is due tomorrow. Trying to think of anything good to right. The song just changed to "Imprisoned Lightning". I need to remember to bring Catching Fire with me tomorrow so I can let Emily borrow it from me. Oh crap. I just remember tomorrow is my long day. I also need to go to the library on Wednesday and pick up my holds (i think they should be there by then). Song just changed again to Loose Lips. Percy (my cat) is sleeping on the couch next to me. I just realized that i am writing really short and boring sentences right now while trying to think of something to write. I found the koolest website yesterday!!! its virtual jello (way more intertaining then you would think) and i love it. Also i very much so suggest that you go to! go on there and adopt a word. all the words on there are actual words in the english language (no matter what spell check says) that are very obscure and almost no one uses them. by adopting a word you are promising to use that as much as possible to save these words from extintion. I adopted a few words so far that i thought sounded awesome.

Pigritude- n. laziness
Foppotee- n. a simple-minded person
Aquabib- n. water-drinker
Essomenic- adj. showing things as they will be in the future
Divinipotent- adj. having strong divinatory powers

Today every so often I would talk to someone and be like "are you an aquabib?" or "Are you a foppotee?" and "do you have pigritude?". it was funny because no one knew what i was talking about and I had to explain it! Song is currently Tomorrow Starts Today. I really want to go to this comic book store I found pu about the other day. I've always wanted to go to a comic book store but never got the chance. now as soon as i have money maybe i can actually go there. Tonights the last night to dance hard to the music of our youth. under the moon light.... i wrote on the last page of your senior year book "don't ever change. thanks for that dance at prom and for your help in transfiguration... on graduation day!! all that in italics was some of the lyrics for Graduation by The Remus Lupins. I love this song. Well, this post has been a lot longer then i thought it would be! i guess that is a testament to how bored i probably am right now. I should probably call bobbie right now. oh, well. it's to hot out! which reminds me of a quote from a song called It's to Hot by Hank Green "spraying myself with an upside down air can, making out with the window fan: hoping the mailman doesn't look in today."

= D

Sunday, September 6, 2009

it came "to my mind just now, that i have only ever made one blog post! well that is not acceptable. Just FYI me and some of my friends are going as characters from Ouran High School Host club, and I am Tamaki. It just fits me so perfectly. Soooo... i might have some homework left but i'm not sure..... i think i should have thought this out better before actually making a blog post. got new jeans today, even though i hate them. my parents wouldn't let me get the kind i like, so i don't like the ones they made me get. I also got Catching Fire today!!!!! I only got it this afternoon and i'm already about 1/3 of the way through. I had to force myself to stop reading it for a little while. its just so addictive. Luckily i was able to tempt myself away with the thought of OHSHC online. I just finished the episode where Neko-san is trying to make his little sister like him. Now i think i'll try to find Mori's episode. btw, i didn't know that something/someone could actually make you melt. like really collapse and feel like you are melting. well to end this, i found a quote today that i thought would make my friends laugh.
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings."
while i can't say that i have peed myself since i was in diapers, i still think this quote is funny, and the meaning behind it still stands. BYE!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Start of Something new

Hello people of Earth and Mars! I've got myself a blog. My friends Becca and Emily have one, and it sounded like a good idea, so I gave into peer pressure and got one! Just joking. Not much going on in my life at the moment, unless you are me. I only say that because most of the "important" things going on really only matter to me. Friends at school continue to be awesome. We totally rule our school even if no one realizes it. I'm making so many new friends, and don't actually have any enemies. Oh course I am already enamored with a guy. Because people from school might read this blog I won't mention any names. All I'll say is that he is awesome and might actually be a guy my parents would approve of (and thats saying a lot). It seems that in school, I have taken the habit of typing what is going on around me while I don't have much to do. Right now we are having a bit of an issue with the text books for our college classes. Its one book to two students, so there are still a few details of sharing to work out.
A nice quote just came to my mind and I don't know why.
"the best gesture of my brain is less than you eye lids flutter, which says we are for each other" -e. e. cummings