Friday, February 10, 2012

Forgotten Land

I want to go to there, to the place that doesn't know me, go to our spot, lay down on the floor, and never leave.

Maybe the world could be nice there. Maybe life could be easy. I could just look up at the top and watch the days go by.

It might get a little lonely.

I just want to lay there and forget the world. All the people running past me, some brave enough to join me for a few sacred minutes.

I'd watch the world go by and, for a moment, feel as if I was at the center of it all.

And late at night, when I'm all alone and forgotten, I'd close my eyes and just feel the Earth move.

Maybe then I could be happy.

I wish it could happen. I wish I was there now. Come with me; steal a jet. Stay as long as you want, but I'll never go.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Road Trip Book

I'm going to start publishing chapters from the Road Trip book I was writing the last two years on here. So much has changed and the story needs to be rewritten almost entirely, so I thought you might like to see what it use to be. Enjoy.

Introduction- aka Meet Larry

The plan started out as nothing more than a small idea that popped into my brain. This idea would sit there, almost uselessly, waiting to be developed into a master plan. This little idea (lets call him Larry for story telling purposes) was nothing more than something I really wanted to do: go on a road trip.
At first, Larry only consisted of me getting a big, old bus the summer after high school graduation, kidnapping all my friends, and forcing them all to go on a road trip with me. Larry was not a very detailed or meaningful idea to say the least, but still, he was there in my mind, and he refused to leave.
I think the main cause for Larry was a lot of reading I had been doing at the time of his birth. Some of my favorite books involved road trips that were exciting, fun, and somehow changed the characters lives forever. Like in Paper Towns by John Green were Q, Ben, Radar, and Lacey go on a last minute, majorly rushed road trip to go to Angelo, New York to find the “manic pixie dream girl” Margo Roth Speigelman. Said road trip included the fun of breaking speed limits, being forced to pee in energy drink bottles, almost dying, and completely missing their own high school graduation. Sounds like a good time to me!
Another book that helped towards the creation of Larry was another book by John Green (you get the feeling I like John Green?), An Abundance of Katherines. In this book, Colin and Hassan go on a road trip in the hope that it will help Colin get out of his slump after being dumped by a Katherine for the 19th time. Their road trip included carving “god hates baguettes” into a table, huge burgers, and a visit to the grave of the Archduke Franz Ferdinad that lands them in Gutshot, Tennessee with the quirky girl Lindsey Lee Wells. Another road trip leading the main characters to something new and different that somehow changes their lives.
And, just to mention it, there is also the entire book long road trip across England in 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson, and the movies Wild Hogs and RV. Just three more examples of the made-of-awesome road trips that happen in books and movies.
I never really knew if road trips in the real world actually happened like this, but my crazy, idea-filled mind, and the newly formed Larry, would like to believe that they did. I had always wanted some adventure without the disaster, sadness, and teen angst involved in the camping road trip of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling in real life.
A few times I brought up my amazingly well thought out Larry to my friends and most had found Larry to be an awesome idea. Once in class, I started talking to a couple of my friends about it and Larry began to grow with more details. It was decided that we would, of course, need to stop in Great America on this road trip, as well as a stop in Disneyland. Stopping in Disneyland for a week actually by one of my friends opinions. And then that was all it was for a while. Larry crawled back into the deep recesses of my my brain. Always there, and always waiting, but not moving or growing or doing anything productive. He was overthrown by impeding tests and stresses of life.
And then, Larry was re-awoken. 
As Larry moved around in my head, I decided to bring him into the world and mention him in an online chat with my friends. There it was reconfirmed that Disneyland and Great America would have to be included in our trip.  And the, Larry began to be fed. Our way of transport would not be a bus, but an RV (or two, depending on how many people are coming). One main goal of our trip: get lost and discover something awesome. And of course there was the small discovery that a lot of money would be needed for this trip. But that was a minor detail at the moment. The point was Larry was growing and beginning to look a lot like a plan. Now all that was needed was a name for out journey and details for things such as who will drive.
It was in the same kind of chat room where our adventure got a name. And that name was “Operation: Scandalous Road Trip.” Everything was starting to come together. Other details would be worked out between Larry and myself with input from my friends whenever needed. I was going to make this road trip happen, even if it was the last thing I ever did. 
At the point I am writing this right now, we are still not driving, moneyless Freshmen in high school (This is is now a lie. When I wrote this on paper this was true. Now we are still not driving, moneyless Sophomores). We don’t have an RV, we don’t have a fully formed Larry, tools for kidnapping are still sitting, un-bought, on hardware store shelves, and we have no time to make this happen. For now, Larry would have to go back into hibernation to slowly be built up later on. But Larry was fully awake in my dreams, daydreams, and ever working imagination. And of course, in my imagination, the road trip could work itself out in anyway it wanted with all the circumstances perfect for what I want to happen. And that of course is how the imaginary story of Operation: Scandalous Road Trip, that you are about to read, came to start.
But the planning of the real road trip still continued. Upon hearing about my road trip plans, a friend of mind procured a large map of the United States. On this map we began to...
(And there is where that sentenced ended until Sophomore year when I found it again. So, now continuing on November 29, 2010...)
...plot the points of certain places we wanted to stop. Along the way, we planned to get lost. Our trip spread out across the entire county, and we planned to enter every state, (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) (“Aww, why can’t we go to Hawaii?” “Because RV’s don’t float, Ben!”) even if that meant just driving into the state and driving right back out. We have our map, we have our destinations, and we have hope in our hearts.
Sooner than we could ever imagine, the trip of a life time would begin.
One last note: Everyone in this book are based on real people that I know in real life, really. To protect the innocent and make things funny though, everyone has been given ridiculous code names, and have been slightly fictionalized. Total list of characters is below.
Glowstick (That’s me.) (Named because I’m so pale I glow in the dark.) (Part of the three musketeers) (Neko’s girlfriend)
Star Frog Space Monkey (name from online code name generator) (Part of the three musketeers)
Hunny-senpai (she is slightly older than us so she was given the japanese title “senpai,” meaning “elder.” Hunny because she is small and adorable like the character Hunny from an anime we watch.) (Part of the three musketeers) (Ninja’s girlfriend.) (Occasionally the fake “mom” to Glowstick, Kitty, and Cheesepuff)
Neko (Given the japanese name “Neko” meaning “cat” for his very cat-like qualities. Name fits him far to well. It was either this or “Lollypop Sassy Love-Sponge” that an online codename generator gave us.) (Glowstick’s boyfriend.) (Occasional “uncle” to Cheesepuff, because she insists that he is.)
Ninja (Named because he is a ninja) (Hunny-senpai’s boyfriend) (Occasionally the fake “dad” to Glowstick, Kitty, and Cheesepuff.)
Sniper (Named this because he didn’t want to be called “Hatchi” and “Assassin” was already taken.)
Truffle (so named because he is a “silly little truffle.” ....yeah, long story.) (Called “uncle” by Cheesepuff sometimes.)
Kitty (The guy this character is based on will hate this, but his hair is super soft like a cat. So we call him this while trying to pat his hair.) (Princess’s boyfriend.) (Acts as brother/nii-san to Glowstick.)
Princess (Named because she loves Disney Princesses... and I couldn’t come up with anything better.) (Kitty’s girlfriend.)
Otaku (“Otaku” is japanese for “obsessed fangirl” basically.) (Younger sister of Pepper but is in the same grade as the rest of us.)
Pepper (Named because the person she is based on hated peppers. MUAHAHA! Love her though!) (Older sister to Otaku.) (Acts as brother/nii-san to Glowstick... long story.)
The Fairy (She is very fairy-like. And EVERYONE loves her.)
Assassin (Named because “Assassin” was in his username, so I used it. No other explanation.)
Cheesepuff (... I really don’t remember why I decided to call her this.) (Acts as older sister/onee-chan to Glowstick.)
Ducky (Named because... well, someone just suggested it and it sounded right. Plus, it’s cute.) (Sniper’s girlfriend.) (Won’t appear until chapter 6.)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Acting on Fear- my AP English assignment

        The snow floated gently over the bucolic landscape, drifting lazily about the sky and sticking to the jackets and hair of any of those brave enough to leave the warmth of their homes. Here, the homes were few and scattered, the town consisting of only Main Street and a church around the corner. Off in the distance beyond the church, a black pair of boots could today be seen marching forlornly though the snow. The black boots, however, belonged to a woman dressed discreetly in white, blending in with her frozen background. Her modest dress came down to her ankles, white save for the pink accents and lace, and was hidden under a perfectly white peacoat. Only the pink lace on the long sleeves of the dress showing from beneath the coats arms hinting at the dress’s opulence. Her brown hair was neatly tied up into a complicated bun, two strands of hair left curled into twists on either side of her face to frame it, though most of the carefully styled do was hidden beneath a white woolen cap.
The woman’s face was smooth and round, cheeks a little blushed from the cold wind that was attempting to desiccate her rose-colored lips. She was not a superficial woman, which would  be frowned upon by her acquaintances anyway, but many of the men in her town would often extol her beauty. Well, at least before they found out they did. She, however, could not see what they saw, nor cared to try. She continued trudging through the snow drifts, maudlin and chanting an incantation under her breath to kept the wind from chilling her to the bone.
No one noticed her absence as she slowly made her way away from the town, her destination one only known to her. She dressed as she had to attempt to go unnoticed as she headed into the mountains east of the town, not needing to draw anymore suspicion to herself. She could have used magicks to hide herself completely, but she had been trying to refrain from such extraneous acts since she was in the middle of quelling the town’s fear and skepticism of her. Her battle was perhaps futile, it being hard to return to decorous society once you are discovered as a witch, but there was no need to further kindle their hatred of her by finding out she had been wandering around invisible. Normally, she was quite idyllic, but the constant taunting and threatening from the town’s people had brought out a hidden querulous attitude that screamed for her to hex some sense into them all. Or better yet, obliterate the God forsaken town.
Her trip was not as long as one might think, hiking into the mountains just far enough to find a hidden cave she had found when she was small. Her parents had told her to hide here many times when she was younger and her powers began to show, trying to hide her gift from the people who would despise her for it.
As she entered the cave, she pulled out a slender wooden stick from the side of her boot and said “lumos,” her voice echoing around the hollow alcove in which she hid. A steady, incandescent light appeared from the end of the wand and illuminated the cave, revealing the mysterious contents within.
On the floor near the woman’s feet lay a pitch black cauldron, the golden contents within it simmering gently on the dying heat of the fire beneath it. She pointed her wand at the glowing sticks beneath her potion and spoke the word “incendio,” the fire immediately growing and warming the pot and the filling the cave with a unsteady glow. She muttered “knox,” and the light her wand was emitting vanished, leaving only the flicking light of the fire to help her see in the shadowy cave. She returned the wand to her boot.
She now turned her attention to the cave walls, where shelves with no seen form of support held hundreds of small bottles of herbs and ingredients. The woman walked over to the shelves, her shoes making little sound on the dirt-packed floor, and carefully selected three bottles before returning to the cauldron and sitting before it. She uncorked one of the largest of the bottles that was half-filled with flakes of green and dropped a measured amount of the contents into the golden potion before her, now leaping about in the pot without any splashing on the ground. She opened the smallest bottle next and mixed it with the contents of the last bottle before emptying them both into the cauldron as well. She then tapped the edge of the cauldron with the tip of her wand and used a large wooden spoon on the floor to mix the potion, examining the golden color to assure it was what it should be. Satisfied, she removed the spoon and stood to replace the bottles back on their shelves.
“AH-HA!” a deep voice shouted from the mouth of the cave, causing the woman to jump in alarm and drop the bottles she had been holding to the floor where they shattered. “You’ve been caught, Witch!”
The man at the cave was holding a pistol, the safety already off, and it was aimed directly at her chest. She put her hands up, shaking slightly, and looked pleadingly at the man.
“Please,” she begged, “I implore you, please do not shoot.”
“And why should I do that?” he said, fire and hatred in his voice. The flickering light from the fire cast frightening shadows on the mans scared face, his dark hair and beard still pepper with flecks of snow from the storm brewed outside the secluded cave. Her fear caused him to look darker and more insidious than he normally would appear, a monster made real come to end her life. “Would you prefer to be burned in the center of town? Death is the only solution for your kind, you evil tart.”
“I accept that I shall not be able to convince you of my innocence, b-” she began.
“Innocence?!” he shouted, interrupting her. “Ha! Anyone who does the work of the devil does not even know the meaning of such a word. Now, step away from the evil brew you were going to poison us with, and accept your fate.”
“I think not,” she stated plainly. In one swift movement, she grabbed the wand from her boot and disarmed the man, the gun flying from his hand and dropping heavily to the ground.
“You bitch-” her started, and his hand reached to his pant pocket to retrieve a second pistol he had hidden there. Before he could point it at her, she raised her wand again, pointing it at his chest.
“Avada kedavra!” she shouted, her voice enhanced as it bounced off the rock walls. The man dropped to the floor, completely dead, the pistol resting on the ground by his now lax hand. She looked down at the man in horror. The words had slipped from her lips before she even had time to think about what she was doing. She had panicked, and this man had pain the ultimate cost because of it.
She had to run now. She had no other choice. Once the people in the town noticed the man was gone, she would be immediately to blame and would no doubt be killed. She could hold off their attempts with magic for a while, but eventually she would slip and they would succeed. Now, she felt as though she deserved their wrath. She killed a man for simply believing a myth that he and everyone around him were taught to believe was fact. Perhaps he had a family at home, a wife and kids depending on him. She could have blocked the bullet, stunned him, anything but what she did, but what was done was done. She turned back to her potion and ingredients, hot tears streaming down her face and she looked at the concoction she had spent so many months brewing to perfection. With a flick of her wand, the cauldron was emptied, another flick and  the bottles and flasks on the shelves disappeared as well.
Her thoughts raced faster than the tears flowing steadfastly down her cheeks, she tried to sort out what had to be done. She owned little and could replace what she did have, so she had no reason to return to town. She looked down regretfully at the man still laying at the entrance to the cave. Her hands trembled as she lifted her wand one last time to cut a deep hole in the cave floor, place the man inside it, and cover him with the hard soil. She did not look away from the place where the man’s face lay in the ground as her hands snapped her wand in half and dropped the pieces to the ground around where the man’s chest would be under the Earth. Outside the cave, the wind had begun to howl and the town lay quiet and frost-covered, no one suspecting that one of their own had just been killed.
She stepped out into the blistering cold and turned away from the town that had so long been the only place she knew, the blowing snow obscuring her body from view. All that could be seen walking away from the town was a solitary pair of black boots, a hole in the frozen background disappearing from their sight forever.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

In Need of Those Random Moments

[Suggested song to listen to while reading this post: Going Through the Motions from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling]

Thanks to my wonderful friend Angelynn, I am posting! Yes, I am finally in a position where I can make blog posts again. Do I have anything to actually write about though? Not so much. But hey! I can rant a little, throw some random stuff in, save the world. Let's do this thing!

Life is... complicated. I seem to be running low on random moments of brilliance and high on periods of just going through the motions and inner torture. But I've got good music, friends, and a crap load of homework, so I'll make it through this. Actually, I feel I can make it through anything now that I've finished watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That's a problem actually. I know feel I can take down vampires and demons and come back from the dead and stuff. I start to forget that it hurts my hand when I punch something.

Well, enough about me! I'm not going into my life-babbling with you! I'm just going to get a random urban definition, answer from questions from Facebook, and get out of here so we can all get on with our pointless little lives.

...Okay, so maybe that wasn't random at all. But OH MY GOD BEN IS GLORY? If you aren't cool enough to understand that... well, you aren't Jasmine, that's for sure.

Yes, I'm obsessed with Buffy. Mostly James Marsters though. I swear to God he must be the sexiest guy ever born. I mean, really.

Just look at him!
QUESTION TIME! [I only got one :(]

Meziah asks: "Where is Waldo? And why is he always hiding? D:" 
Waldo is behind you right now. He's watching you, always watching you. You may not ever see him, but he will always see you. Day or night, night or day, Waldo will be there. Why does he hide? The world may never know... (I personally think he hides 
because he doesn't want anyone stealing those books he carries around).

Well folks, I now must take my leave. I have Angel to watch and books I should be writing. I hope all your lives are filled with cookies and happiness!

"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it." -Buffy Summers

Sunday, May 22, 2011

English assignment- Sonnets about love

First, this is my try at a Shakespearian sonnet. Requirement: follow all the rules of sonnets and be about love.

True love is something that cannot be told
for words alone can’t describe the feel of
the only one you truly want to hold.
Once bitten, you will never want to heal.
Only one person could understand
that feeling that you get inside your chest
from the fire in your heart they fan.
You still want to stay through every test.
Your every emotion rides with them,
and your heart no longer belongs to you.
To you, they will always be a perfect ten
and the love always feels like it is new.
They confuse you, but are there when it counts
and they make you look past all of your doubts.

The next is my attempt at a Petrarchan sonnet. Same requirements, different rhyming scheme.

Why is it every time you are near
my hearts starts to beat faster? My racing
after you; I feel I am always chasing.
To my eyes, you have the power to bring a tear,
yet losing you is still my greatest fear.
Thoughts of you still my feverish pacing,
my determination is  not fazing.
But with you, I am helpless as a dear.

Any good?