Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Start of Something new

Hello people of Earth and Mars! I've got myself a blog. My friends Becca and Emily have one, and it sounded like a good idea, so I gave into peer pressure and got one! Just joking. Not much going on in my life at the moment, unless you are me. I only say that because most of the "important" things going on really only matter to me. Friends at school continue to be awesome. We totally rule our school even if no one realizes it. I'm making so many new friends, and don't actually have any enemies. Oh course I am already enamored with a guy. Because people from school might read this blog I won't mention any names. All I'll say is that he is awesome and might actually be a guy my parents would approve of (and thats saying a lot). It seems that in school, I have taken the habit of typing what is going on around me while I don't have much to do. Right now we are having a bit of an issue with the text books for our college classes. Its one book to two students, so there are still a few details of sharing to work out.
A nice quote just came to my mind and I don't know why.
"the best gesture of my brain is less than you eye lids flutter, which says we are for each other" -e. e. cummings